Thursday, March 31, 2005
*[[ 4e7'04 rocks and rulex~ ]]*
*[[ 4e7'04 rocks and rulex~ ]]*
hmm....dunno wad to do this weekend...?? me havin my boys' brigade adventure quest on sat all may wanna go to j8 n cheer fer me(if my team can get the champ lahz) n also fer the current sec 4 batch! tan hwee pin will also be there i who miss her or wadeva...hahaha...can go see her too....if u all wanna go...can go at arnd 2's all...n...pray fer me tt my team can win..hahaahah
at first i wanted to make a long post about class day, but matt came along. and when matt comes, dota follows. anyway we're going to do stuff on next thurs or fri or sat or all 3? i think we should do it on sat because speaking for myself, im going to be tired after sch and won't really have much energy to do much. not that im against having it on the weekdays. i want to see how we look like in jc uniforms. how about you guys?
oh, is there anything going on this weekend? someone going to open up his/her house? or are we going to not meet up at least once a week for the first time in dunno how many weeks?
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
we will, we will rock you! *ow* rock you! *ow*
I was awake when the sumatran quake happened! Nothing unusual for me to be awake at that time. I was doing some filing. So proud of my neat files now. :) Anyway, I didn't feel anything. It was probably because the quake was nothing compared to my quakes.
Ok, I shouldn't joke about this. Some seismologist predicted another upcoming earthquake soon. I hope God will have mercy on us, if it is His will.
I agree with Weigee! We should have an outing that allows most of the class people to go. Or at least, most of the class people who want to go, to actually go. So far, I've only made it for the Hitch outing. I want more outings! We are the most creative class, I think. Most united class, even.
It's a thursday, no? I think if we make it a thursday, I can't go. Friday...maybe. It's still quite far away to decide. The timetables aren't out yet. I haven't even got my class. But, I got the uniforms. Disgusting. Actually ok lah, except that I still look secondary school-ish. Like peicai, you know? I miss aj's uniforms. One of my favourite colours, blue! Sigh.
Btw, it took me a while to figure out why 7th of April is our class day. Shouldn't it be 4th of July, independence day cum Weiling's bday? It doesn't matter anyway. Everyday is 4e7's day! We rock the world.
My mom's tempting me with Four Leaves bread.
Always yours,
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
boo! i'm here
dearest 4e7..
our lovely day is coming!yes i can smell it. it's coming. YES! it's the 7th of APRIL! our first class anniversary!
sooo, how can we celebrate this very special day?lol, i sound like somebody's getting married. we can meet the following day? if it's more convienient for all to meet on fridays. i cant wait! we should plan seriously! i think i will jot down some activities we can do. maybe we can make this a 3 day event. u know, like when kings celebrate their birthdays, the celebration goes on for a week! we are all royalties, of cos we have to do the same(coughs coughs)
so i guess, most of us had settled down on the schools for our tertiary education. hmmm. the past few days had been really really really really boring. i still have to get use to the fact tt we are already full fledged year 1s of the tertiary eduation. so sian! very soon, we would be busier and busier, and we wont have much time for meetings and gatherings. ahhh. thinking abt this makes me sick. will this happen to us? will we drift apart, once we dun see one another tt often? i was talking to a zh senior today. he told me he still cant find someone in his jc class to "click with". he dun feel part of the class sometimes. then i wonder, it's already been 1 yr and he is still feeling this way? i'm so scared i might land up in his position. i'm so scared to lose all the e7 contacts. will u all forget me, in due time? ahhh.. we need more gatherings. hahaha..i sound so insecure.
so are we meeting up anytime this week?this coming weekend, is there anything on? ahh dun make it on saturdays afternoon can?aiyo..but it's hard to find time also lah. we should have one more mass convo someday. we gotta discuss abt THE DAY. let's give it a name. hahaa like the day the atomic bomb was dropped,it's called D Day. maybe we can call it.."zee e sewen dai"haha the e 7 day. anyway, enough of me, see u guys soon k!!
karin(signing off)
Still waiting for sook to write about me. Hahahahaha...
So jealous of you all. I also want to go to xm's house and chill out! But I had that stupid globalisation talk which I couldn't understand at all. And to think you all were having fun without me! Sob...
Did you all feel the ground shake yesterday? I did leh! My first experience with earthquake woohoo! When I was writing an essay about gays.
Anyway. Went to eat Mac in the children's party room today. Hahahaha...
I want 4e7 outing where I can make it! You all ah...time to qian1 jiu4 me! :D
<3 weiqi
back to studying...*string of vulgarities rolls off my tongue*
anyway, i guess you guys get the gist of it. btw is anybody interested in going to xin min scondary's fun fair on april 9(next saturday)? i know it seems kind of weird going there...but my cousin asked me to go so i might as well ask some others along. shi hao and yao yu are coming with me. any others?
Thursday, March 24, 2005
details for sat out
venue: ang mo kio BUS interchange / xue min's house
time: 8.30
programme: morning do sandwiches for breakfast. buy ingredients from nearby ntuc
menu: spagetti, baked potatoes with bacon bits and cheese and stuff, pizza!
if anyone has any objections, post as soon as possible! and if you think meeting at mak bus interchange is too much of a fuss for you, you can ask xue min how to go to her house directly =)
now i shall continue with my little words of thanks
emmy: words can no longer show how i feel for you, my best friend. we dont need words anymore. =) thank you so much. for being the one to change my life forveer, for being the one to keep my alive, for being the one to support me when i fall, to the one whom i know i can always trust, for being the one to love me for who i am, for the one who truly care. thank you. for everything you have done for me. thank you, for being my emmalyn. =)
penuel: that special day when we had to hang out together was hilarious. and thanks to it, i actually realised that we can have quite a lot of fun together, with me pointing at cute fluffy toys and you pointing at ugly ones and insisting that they are cute. hahaha...we had quite a lot of laughs that day. and somehow there wasnt those ugly and cold silence between us. guess we can rock the world too huh? hehehe...i think all guys who play piano are cool. so you're cool. totally.
nianya: noo...dont scold me. HAHAHA. in my impression see you must smile and scold you at the same time. and den laugh and laugh and laugh. den you call me naughty girl. hehe. you're a nice and sweet girl. and you got quite the cutest voice in class. i thought i would have died of dunno what if i were teased by the rest of the class like you. but you never really got angry with us. you are indeed the queen of our hearts.
christine: it's a pity i didnt get the change to really haNg out with you. i remember the few times you and denise sat down to talk with usabout personal stuff. it was during those times i felt much closer to you. well...i do hope that we can see each other in the future. and that if the day comes when i see you on the streets, wave and say hi to me. hehe
qinsi: the memories flood to me. ahaha...known you since sec1 and remember how it all began. with fruit punch and comic books. ahahaha..i still haven lend you my comic books yet. and then there was the period of time when you took the fuss to bring bread for us. those were really tasty and you really made our mornings utterly delightful. you're kind, and never once scolded me for my short term memory. thanks! for being such a forgiving and understanding girl.
chooise: it's been a long way. and we have overcomed a lot to reach where we are today. cherish yourself ok, and dont let anyone, just anyone get you down. and remember, what are friends for? ;) if ever the day comes when you need me, dont even hesitate. just come up and call me and i promise i'll be there. for you. thank you rachel, for being there for me too. you're kind and sincere. remain that way forever.
(to be continued)
(am i taking a very long time? teehee)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
some links
hey people. as diaryland is still sick, i'll paste a photo link here first ok? it's all abt us in huang chen..hahahaa
hey people
the first 3 months are over. the posting is out. everything has come to an end and is aching for a start.
i could still remember from last year so clearly. it was as if o'v's were not over and we're still mugging like siao, and we're still thinking about where to go, what to do and how to do it. i still remember the times in chalet when xue min just kept saying "let's talk about jcs"
and suddenlyeverything is over. o'lvls are so far away i dont even remember the questions anymore. the results are out. the posting is out. we're now seriously, officially heading off to different paths in our lives.
this is my first time doing this.
to amos : richest security guard! hahhaa..we both have the same aspirations. well, i've always thought about you as a really sweet fellow. serious! i can still remember how you'll mo0ve over for eric so that he can share the seat with you. we thought it was very very sweet and it makes us all go "aww" inside. and it's always funny to see you and yaoyu quarrelling. and how you bully him. hahaa.
to kaisiang: you're so nice! kaisiang, you're seriously the nicest guy i've ever seen. you're always willing to go that extra mile for all of us no matter what. and yet you never demand anything from us. and you're sleeping tactics are seriously, of the highest level. we're all miles away from yuor level. muahaha...i mean who else in this world can fall asleep while picking a pen? thank you for waiting for me whenever my feet hurt that time. it was very very nice of you.
minloong: used to totally intimidate me and i still have no idea why. but the msn conversations we had recently makes me feel more comfortable hanging out with you. and i must thank you for picking us up at vj. you just sat there and waited for us to get our food without complains. i thought that was nice. well, tell you a secret, i would die to have your legs. and butt. HAHAHAA...
pekky: oh dearest pekky! remember the good ol' times we had at the sports caffe. it's a pity it's still closed. during my most stressful periods, you took all my groaning and complaining with no complains. hahaha. you so patient with me and so understanding. really, you're always thinking of others before yourself. you studied with me, played with me, laughed with me, watched movies with me, listened and talked to me, taught me things, encouraged me and made me who i am today. i owe my everything to you cos you've been my pillar of strength. thank you so much
eric: stop calling me choclate milk. hahahaa...eric you're lame. really lame this time.'re one guy who cant stop cracking lame jokes and telling me lame stories. but when there's something serious going about and messages need to be passed, you're never stingy to be the one telling everything. there are times when i watch you with that serious face, and telling us what happened at that particular time. when we get agitated, you'll be the one who cools us with your "relax!". thanks eric, for being so kind
debbie: i still remember the mornings we had breakfast together, and the mornings when i borrowed your homework. and the times we talked about takuya kimura.'re the one who did the contact list for all of us druing sec3 (which is now VERY useful..hahah) and during a time when we were all strangers, you warmed us with your friendliness. you said hi, came up and chat. you introduced us to others in class and helped make a start to this great fantastic class. thanks deb, for being the one.
James: wiah. another lame one, my dark lord. ahahha..well, i've always think of you as my didi. as in i can bully you all i want, but i can never tolerate another person to even try to harm you. cos you're like the baby in the class. yet you're not so baby afterall. the times you went on stage has ebcome uncountable. hahaha. but it's because of your daring actons that created roars of laughter and tonnes of memories to remember for life. thank you so much for giving me so much to remember.
Karin: my lover! karin, you're a really nice girl. i remember avril describe you "as someone that everyone finds really hard not to like" you're sweet, considerate and from the times we shared at hc, i've also learned about how patient you can be. you waited for me for almost an hr, standing there with three heavy blazers and you never really got angry with us. i like you because you're so real. when we were at your house, i saw you sat there and played monoply with the rest and i saw the way you sat. eh. not very lady like la, but it was very natural. it's just like you. you dont bother to pretend and you just be the one you are. thank you for being with me in hc. you make every minute better.
lee ting: sweet and always forgiving. =) still rmemeber how you encouraged me. you have this really comforting smile that makes me feel a lot better. whenever during debate and when i standing there looking at everyone, i can easily spot your smile and feel much better. because your smile seems to be always saying "it's ok. you're great. just go on" and it's like receiving an encouraging squeeze. it's warm and cosy. thank you for having such a great smile
yaoyu: HAHAHAHAHHAA...ok, once think of you will laugh. haha..thanks for being the treasurer (for SOO since sec2 or something) and always keep track of ermm our money though we never really pay up our class funds. hahaha. i remember how you played chess with us. when other boys would have laughed at our silly and ermm inexperienced movies, you took our moves seriously and never once mocked at us. and the times when you taught me maths, the times you laughed at me or stared at me. ahhaa...i always have so much fun bullying you but you never got angry at me. hehe. thanks so much. you make my seat at the classroom a best place to be
joyce: you're the one who leads the class when we need someone to do something first. you're not afraid of the hard work of being the one in charge. and when unhappy things happen in class, you're the first one to rush up and offer your comfort. and you always help us by staring at those noisy guys when we need some silence. hehee. still remember at sec3 camp when the class had no idea what to do, you and alven led the whole class into doing a great dance together. thanks!
avril: what more can i say. one of my best friends, people i totally trust, people i love and care so much about. every bit of my secondary school life is worth remembering because you made them special. you made them beautiful. thank you. you're the reason why my life is so good now. from the bottom of my heart, i thank you. for giving me so much so much and asking so little so little in return. you made my secondary school life complete.
alesia: when i was in chinese drama, you came up and cared for me when i still dunno the juniors yet. and when at the drama camp, when everything is so strange and foreign, you guide me and make everything a lot better. the drama cmap was very memorable. the times when i proposed to you. hahahaha...thanks so much. you're always eager tp help and you've always encouraged me when i feel down. thank you so much for being such a cute and kind girl.
(to be continued)
love shuli
Sunday, March 20, 2005
hello -_-
Since my blog is down now and I've not been bloggin' for ages!!! I just had a OG chalet...And that really made me hunger for a 4e7 Chalet...^_^// Initially I was quite unhappy to be staying in AJ cuz its boring and reeeeeeeallly de[p]ressing at times...but after having OG chalet and Class outing, I realised that if these ppl are staying, I dun really mind. Otherwise...Anyway, miss 4e7 really alot. just the whole atmosphere(muggy?happy?sombre?) the videos we filmed...xiu^3, and death/funeral the times we spent preparin for fun fair...........sigh..
cya all soon,
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
tiao bu, buay chai, tak giu, but not all at once
haha before i get on to the main topic of this post..share this with y'all...
NTUC bought over the premises formerly occupied by happening (but broke) club, Embassy, located at Esplanade and plans to renovate and rename it "NTUC Club".
With the new club, NTUC hopes to acquire "a hip quotient".
So the next time your Ah Beng friends ask you, *"Ai ki NTUC, mai?"
**"Tiao bu ah si buay chai?"
*("Do you want to go to NTUC or not?")
**("To go dancing or buy groceries?")
right...anyway i want to publicise a locally made short film. this film is good. its not crap like police and thief or living with lydia. alot of local stuff is cringe-worthy because of the failure to integrate singaporean characteristics well into the film. example, trying and failing to use singlish 'properly' or getting people like mark lee (mark lee, for god's sake!) to speak good english.
this film is different...its quite realistic in a sense. and its really damn funny. the first part is filmed in hougang btw. near hougang plaza and also near yao yu's house. check it out. guys, post your comments, the makers of the fim would like to hear from us.
Monday, March 14, 2005
love song from a saviour
at karin's behest, i am supposed to write about yesterday's outing at east coast i go.
i woke up at 9 yesterday. unfortunately, i was supposed to leave at 9 as well. so...i was late. turned out it didn't really matter because we spent like 2+ hours at parkway before leaving for east coast park. amos cycled the whole length of the park while waiting for us and ended up going home to sleep. but apparently he decided to be superman and went to cycle with his other friends, going without sleep since the day before.
so anyway we shopped at parkway after eating breakfast(ya kun for amk people, laksa and rotiboy for the late kovan people) for peksia's birthday present. they got a Mr Bean bear for her. then ml got a bag which only he thought looked nice. and he had to borrow $30 from me to get it. frickin' hell! i had to beg and borrow for the rest of the day.
after an eternity of waiting we left for east coast park! except me, who had to wait for rachel. she wore a mini skirt. to the beach. oh, and she had her arm in a cast because her wrist was broken. which meant...she looked pretty out of place. to say the least. so when we reached ml was sun tanning and the rest were playing cards. then after that we played beach soccer! then i got my foot scratched and pulled out of the game.
no picnic yesterday and there was only one mat( and only one matt), so lunch was at mac. more cards after that and then cycling! gan1 zhe4 shui3! muscle ache! wooh...
went to parkway after that then went home. oh, and i realised that shouting in giant is not a good idea, because the place is apparently built to amplify sound. like a concert hall. with shelves of stuff and pretty decent mineral water. and no seats.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
heys ((:
Hey babies! ((:
Why the ktv outing got time and no date one hahaha. I realise I can't go to ktv and sing cos whenever I sing 5566 songs, I see Renfu, I scream and can't continue anymore hahaha. Speaking of which, shuli and emmy the pigs haven't given me my picture book which I waited for eons.
And I've finally bought 5566 concert vcd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And let's all have chalet ok! :D And have bbq and mahjong sessions! And class outings at more special places like Jurong Island or something.
Basically I'm crapping but still. You all love me rite. <3
Actually I'm quite happy with my current class cos they are all very nice people though not as funny as you guys in class (maybe they are all sleeping that's why hmm). But there are only 3 pathetic guys in my class and all of them are from chinese high. Sigh. None can play basketball as well as the 4e7 guys :( but then most of the bitches there are so different from the bitches in zh hahaha. More classy in the paris hilton style and more vicious I think. They need more nice people like us.
Anyway, yc coming to an end soon!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!! I can finally have my regular life back after losing it for nearly 3 months ((: Applaud for all the poor yc girls!!!!!!
Saturday, March 12, 2005
haizz...cannot join u all again as i'm meeting someone else tml's morning. how long are u all going to stay at east coast, maybe i join later.
pls go to the 4e7 msn site, bc i got a couple of interesting stuff to share =P
hope u guys have fun tml...looking forward to see ya all tml (if possible)
with lots of luv,
hey guys.
so the following is information abt the ktv trip!
time: 10.30
venue: if i say somerset and cine's kbox, who objects? (totally deja vu)
programme: 1. sing song 2. go pray for posting (hehe)
anyway, talk a bit of crap here
i wont be going for the beach trip (mourn). hope you guys have a good time. bet you guys will cos when 4e7 is gathered together, everything will turn out right. for me, i'll most probably be bowling somewhere in ang mo kio with my sis..hahaa
first three months coming to an end. soon, the j1 life will began. but i hope the "once-a-week" outing for 4e7 will continue for as long as possible. cos you guys make a whole week of sucky chemistry tutorials, bio lectures, gp projects and pw lessons bearable. love you guys lots!

all our mad pictures. karin, now you can save them!
hugs and kisses,
oh yeah.the weekend is here and we can finally meet again for our weekly gathering!cant wait to meet ya guys tomo.i'm so excited i cant sleep!!whoopie!!
here to share a lame joke to all..
Q:wad did sushi A say to sushi B?
A:wasabi (wad's up B?)
4e7 rocks!!we will live forever...
hugs 'n' kisses *yEn*
ah haaa...
hey ppl!tmr is the day we head for the beach as a class FINALLY!!WOOHOOOOO
yay!i cant wait to see u guys again!feel like preparing sandwiches for u all tmr, feeling very aunty-ish today, probably cos of the hectic schedule..
ahhh one week holiday, it dont even look like one now. yc is going to take up most of it i am complaining again...ooh btw, wanna have another k-box session?right before the release of the bout tt??sounds good?we can have another mass convo discussing abt this again..:D
school's pretty stressful for the past few days.i flunked my chemistry test.10/30..sounds bad right.was really demoralised that whole day, but got better after i got my physics quiz results back.guess what, i PASSED physics.hahaha where's miss ting?i wanna show her my results!:P
feeling quite bored now, preparing to attend a wedding i wish we are still together in Zhonghua.tho the school system sucked,at least i knew each and every single one of u well, i know u all aint friends can be fake.they pretend to smile and be friendly with u, but once they turn away, u may not know if they are talking behind ur in junior college is like climbing up a social ladder, only the "popular" ones are going to succeed.just hope all of us could be high flyers in junior college, and thus wouldnt suffer as a result.hope whatever happens, we could still stick together,be it 10,20 yrs down the road.
the usual:4e7!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
alright...details for this sunday.
Meet at Parkway Parade at 10 a.m.
Bring an extra change of clothes just in case.
Bring soccer balls, beach balls, anything you think might be appropriate for beach games.
Bring mats in case people want to rest and there are no seats available.
should we have a picnic there? what do you guys think?
oh, and the usual: 4e7 rocks.
hello 4e7! we rock and rock and rock and rock!!!
can't wait for outings...its just so wonderful to be 4e7.cuz we are 4e7~!!! and we're fun people..
anyway.i'm closing my vrillybaby blog for now. that's why you can't see it. maybe will open it someday again.
cheers and hope to see u guys soon!~
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
smiling all the way
our class rocks. and emmalyn, you're hilarious. muahaaa...
anyway, i dont think pulau ubin is a weird idea. it's quite inaccesible. and isnt it weird you take so much pain to go there and basically dont do anything there besides cycle. but if you guys are dead serious, den ok la. hahahaa
yc is ending in a week's time! woohoo! im ready to celebrate!
ps: loving and missing you guys!
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Yay! Finally! :D
Hello peeps!!!!! I went through so much trouble to blog here you know. First I dunno the username until I went to our MSN group, next I dunno how to use blogspot cos I've never used it before. Diaryland is better :D
Hope everyone is still alive and kicking! Really want to go see you all but stupid yellow city !@#$%^&*@!@$% all really wanna go to Pulau Ubin? Like go there feed mosquitoes you know. Then help them carry on their can? I rather go donate blood hahaha. Plus the toilets there quite dirty.
Or we can go to east coast? Near Parkway somemore so we can head there for dinner after the bicycle trip! Or we can just cycle around some HDB estates hahahaha.
Had a fantastic time with the 4e7 people on Saturday. :))) Hitch was quite, um, meaningless. Cliched. Stereotypical. Front row seats made it almost unbearable. My heart almost bled until no more blood because it was $8.50. Xin tia. BUT, because of 4e7, I enjoyed it quite a lot. I could laugh as loud as I wanted. I could kick my feet up in the air when it was hilarious. I didn't give a nut about the whole theatre. Just because, I was with 4e7!
It's so not like in aj. In aj, I feel like a maggot on a fettered corpse. Like some parasite, ignored and unwanted. Really! When the bball girls see joei and me, they only talk to her, and not me! I feel so strange there. Not sure if I should wait for joei until they've finished talking, or continue walking to avoid feeling weird. But then, if I walk off just like that, it won't be very nice right. After all, I am her friend.
Never mind, it's ok. I'm gonna be out of there soon. If I have a loseristic life in ny, at least I can straightaway go home and hide. But I'll try not to be a loser. Hahaha, that came out funny. It didn't sound like me.
I was the only girl with the guys until about 6 plus? It was an extraordinary experience, I tell you. Although the situation was awkward, the guys didn't kui dai me. Hehe, they were great, as usual. Then xm and yen came, and I rejoiced! Followed by Amos, Matt and YY the shuaiges. Oh yeah~~~ No chicken from Amos though, so I had fish and chips instead.
The horror of horrors hit me when they told me Hitch was at 8.10pm. I was like, WHAT? But I still watched anyway, for the sake of my lovelies. Until 10.30pm. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT OR WHAT.
Sook and Kerrin came over after that forbidden city thing full of that shitface and alas! We caught them frolicking with Matt and YY in that wretched yoshinoya selling not very tasty but quite expensive jap food.
Then we journeyed home, some of us NSL, the others NEL. Leslie and Warren felt both dizzy and nauseous because me and yen screamed too much in the lift. I'm sorry man. :( So they had to sit down, and we crowded around them. When I left, Leslie Pan Wei Bo Wu Ha was so nice that it melted all the aunties', ah mas' and mei meis' hearts in that very train.
He said, "Take care".
I don't think Pulau Ubin is a good idea, because we don't really know the place well, and it won't do if we get attacked by something that looks horrifically like Emmalyn.
East Coast is good. I'll be going there thrice this month mannnnnn. Plus, it's familiar. And we haven't been there as a class!!! Once again, I can't make it until next tuesday? Yeah. Sorry. Maybe next Sunday? It'll be ideal for me, but for you guys, I dunno.
Awww. I love my class. Sometimes I regret not treasuring it in the past.
Tempted to write a "That's all, folks", but decided against it.
Emmy. :)))***
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Class Ou+ingZ
Hey, I sort of like the idea of biking at Palau Ubin.(although my bike sort of broke down after travelling very deep into the heart of the island) Or shld we go E.Coast??? i think anything will do as long as lots of our classmates turn up...
1st time blogging... so not sure wad to type...haha
Love ya guys & gals! :)
i liked karin's post...except for the 'what can i say' parts.
"ur exploitations at wooing girls" HAHAHAHAHAHA!
very sorry if I sound like i'm picking on you, karin...
anyway, is there anything going on this weekend? can we go somewhere we havn't been to before? like the tree top trail at MacRitchie...or biking at Pulau Ubin...something healthy for a change?
u guys rock.
cant find any other class that is as "on" as u all.
i just want to thank each and single one of u today.dunno why so emotional.maybe cos real school is going to start real soon.and i haven completely feel like part of a class in jc.
amos:u r one of the funniest person i had ever seen. the greatest tyco king EVER. hmm, cant find any other person to talk about soccer with physics and mathematics.=Dthanks for chicken, tho attempt failed :X
kaisiang:haagen.hahaha okay, i din come up with this name.thanks for being so nice to everybody.big mr nice guy :P
minloong:heyy gerald! u r one smart guy.nice to talk to too!u r so going to shine in VJ.rock on!=D hope things get better with ur louisa..haha
pekky:wooohooo my buddy every morning assembly!nice to talk to, love to talk abt takuya and gossip with u every morning..for 2 yrs!love u!=D
deb.b:u r very very smart!and u love japanese stuffs alot too..haha great to talk to during morning assembly =D
james:well, what can i say about u.well, we love u.*xiu xiu xiu*
leetingxx:very very "class" in my classmate for 4 yrs!!thanks for being around..:)u bring a smile to everyone..
yaoyu:yaoyu~love the way u try to collect money and homework.haha i like the orientation of ur room!
joycey:classmates for 4 yrs too!!there when i needed someone..thanks!
vrilly baby:my lub!hahah keereen baby loves u, yeah, and u know it :)toilet paper money rocks!
ale^^:what can i say, tennis babe!smile more, u lit up the room!
emmy: lub dub. :D u funny girl.the op girls rock!
penuel/piano:what can i say, my fellow comm chair.u r super talented in luck in ur diploma, and well, ur exploitations at wooing girls.all the best. :D
nianny:hahaha i called u nianey!hahaha the queen of my heart~ my fellow guzheng mate
christy:pretty babe!roxy girl!hey, i am not matthew's maid okay..hahahahaha
qinsi:the bread u brought to school each day, they rocks okay!jus like u!hehe snow white!~
choosie/rachel:i lovee ur accent!the way u spoke english..mesmerizing!superb in french..marry a frenchman soon!
weggie/weiqi:fellow jingxian!mrs yap ni jiang hui become!lol huang cheng "rocks!"shitface-shoo
yeaney:my lovely bro..thanks for being ard and almost always pick up my call when i need ur help..thanks okay!rock on!
xiaobai/yihsuan:my peer buddy!tea leaves eggs are nice!heyy thanks for ur lil presents, i love them!jus like how i like u :D
leslie:what can i say bro, the ceiling's up.u r full of surprises, continue to surprise me :)
cheryl:u look sooo cool when u play bball..ahhh my fellow english partner.thanks for teaching me how to spin a pen.:)
alven:frog prince. hahah cant forget the way u say"hello"during miss leow's lesson.hahah so funny!rock on k..u and cheryl baby rock on!
xuemin/cutie:heyy my lovely 10 yr sch penpal too!guess what, i still keep those letters we u, thanks for being ard and being my buddy :)
roxanne/ritz-lol:hey jingxian-er, love u!thanks for being one of my soul support in hc..i'm thankful for ur presence, tt day studied bio with u,makes me feel really fortunate to have u ard :D rock on k!
matthew:my sotong darling!blur king!but u're our lovely bio rep..hehe thanks for everything-going to ur house etc.toilet paper money rocks!
ruqing:ah ma!tu shun!godma!hahahaha my neighbour in class, for 4 str yrs..u r sooo nice!!altho tuesday is my turn to dim the lights..haha :D rock on!
shihao:no.10!!ur bball skills are pretty gd!what's more, u r a bag full of jokes. yaoyu's partner all the time!what can i say?rock on :)
sooky:ahhhh fellow jingxian.fellow yc mate.thanks for being there when i need u guys in hc.we can share all the boys we "crushed"on..hahah!fac outing, woohoo, watch out!
spoon:eeyyy be nice to sook hor!!ncc pro..wah!
shin/shiyun:my fellow takuya kimura fan!!!!!:D thanks for everything..for chatting with me abt kimura, and i love the way u play bball!our class girls team rocks!
alyssa:pretty baby!u christine and denise are like a clique of gorgeous girls!love ur accent, woo!~
yenney:my honey!my fellow blue buddy!!!yay!!!woohoo!i~~~cant breathe easy!hahaha u know ur karin loves u :D
eileen:pearlish ashlee simpson-lookalike..our prom princess!pretty angmoh girl, rock on k!
weiling:heyy!my crappy arty-farty weiling!thanks for ur bundle of jokes, u rock okay!
yitling:hey rich gal!u look classy, but hey u r really funny n lame inside too!thanks for the bday present u gave me, love u lots k!:DD
denisey:wad can i say, thanks for putting so much effort into creating the classs spirit.u r a big part of the class spirit..wad can i say?thanks for making so much effort into the class chalets and stuffs,u r one be nice person*big hugs*
warren:son, thanks for being so "filial"..hahaha :D not much to say abt u, u know u r nice =D
celestine:well, my best friend, i dun have to say much, u know i love u..muacks!
well...i'm getting tired after typing so case u din know, it's one in the morning..hahahaha lovee u guys..jus wanna express my thanks to u guys, each and every one of u.without u, the class wouldnt be the same..hope we can stay like this for years..hope we wont drift apart like any other class..yay...for now, good nite!!~
lots of lovees..karin
anyway, just came back home from yet another outing with you guys!
our class rocks. big time
anyway, rushing down from hc to ps is tiring but defintely rewarding. we the hc girls came down and met matt and yean yang. then we walked to the arcade and played a short but quite funny round of bishi bashi (is it spelled like tt?) and den went over to yoshinoya for dinner. yes you got it. dinner at 10 plus. no wonder i cant sleep now.
seeing you guys is well worth everything, including having to see shitface. i dunno but i think our class is truly bonded. like you dont see other class meeting up just as much as us. we are practically out every weekend with each other.
like warren, i hope this would laSt for as long as possible. i pray we'll never drift apart and that time will never be able to wash away these memories. i pray we'll still meet every weekend. i almost wished we just stayed next to each other.
4e7 rocks. truly.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
I'll say a little prayer
hahahaha a sudden rush of blogging...i know its kind of late for me to say this, but let's all try to make it today...let's all try to stay out as late as possible tonight. let's all talk till we fall asleep in our chairs. lets enjoy today to the limit...because after the holidays are gone, we aren't going to be able to see each other much anymore. we might drift apart. we might start to place other things above 4E7 on our priority list. but hopefully, the memories of all the good times we had, the slogging we endured late last year(boy,was it late) have bonded us together enough that the spirit(cliched,sorry) remains.
I love this class.
p.s apologies to all tonight if i don't watch the movie...i have a rather bad cough now so i'll probably just irritate you guys...i'll be there though...just may skip the movie. i'll guard the chicken together with amos!
yo everyone...peksia here. hope everyone had tot of where to go and had registered for jae. $*&@#>?^$%@#% the moe for setting up such a ridiculous system. tried for 10 hrs b4 i can finally register. refresh the page like donnoe how many times. juz want to wish everyone good luck and hope ya all can get into the choices they want. xuemin, think u might be able to come to tj, cuz a lot of 6/7-pointers are leaving tj to go better places.
more pple come to tj leh...haha i trying to phycho everyone. i juz wish there were more zhss pple there, more familiar faces. tink quite a no. of zhss pple leaving tj bc of the distance =( one of my best friends i made in tj oso leaving to go poly =( tj is real fun and the principal's really cool.
anyway, i can't go the outing later, but i hope u guys have fun cuz 4E7 ROCKS DA WORLD.
*[[ 4e7'04 rocks and rulex~ ]]*
oh...n this is ks...hahaha...paiseh..
*[[ anything to do before 5....? ]]*
hmm...i dun hav anything to do before 5pm...!!! so...if anyone free or wad..mebbe can meet first den we go do something...hahaha...hmm..this is the first time i'm bloggin...dunno how it works lahz...see ya all later!!!
Friday, March 04, 2005
dreaming of pink pom poms.
I'm still stuck for jae. I don't know what in the world to choose.
Not in the mood to blog much, but just wanna say that I miss 4e7 so much man.
It's so sad. If only there was really a Zhonghua JC. Then we all can go there. I wouldn't care if it was ranked 18th in Singapore.
I feel strange blogging in blogspot. It's as if I'm betraying teenopendiary. Haha, and the blogskin's really girl. Cutesy. Totally not me. Or 4e7. But I guess, I shouldn't comment much on it, because at least, someone from the class is making an effort to spice things up a little.
I feel like drinking some ribena. But there's none at home.
Oh man, the air is so stale that I feel like I'm actually smoking a methol cigarette. I don't mean to sound depressed, but I've a feeling we're all gonna die soon if nothing's done to alleviate the situation. I suddenly couldn't breathe today, when I was in ny as a crasher. It reeked of foul, burnt things. Maybe I'll get some lung disease like Weichao from aj/zhss and get more distinctions than fingers on one hand. I don't mind.
now figure that out. GO! :))) if anyone has deciphered that, come find me and i'll give a treat to the first one.
regards from emmy.
done my jae. finally. feel drained. as if i've made just thebiggest decision in my life so far. growing up..woohoo
anyway, wanted to come up here and lament abt how stupid the whole yellow city thing is. staying up til so late and preventing me from meeting my friends and eating amos' KFC chickens. im dead angry. amos said he was bringing abt 10. *sob*
anyway, we'll give you guys a call when we're done and see if we could meet up.
all the best people >_<
hey guys... karin has already mentioned the important things
i'm here to tell you the times for the movies... here goes...
HITCH: 5.35pm, 6.00pm, 6.30pm
HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE: 5.30pm, 8.05pm
see ya all tomorrow and don't be late! make sure everyone know!
you friendly e7 piano man
hahaha..jus tot u all are soo cool..came on and blog so often...oooo so nice of u fun..anyway there's a outing this saturday..poor me sooky roxy and weigee cant go.cos of huang cheng.yes, u know what i'm going to say(but since this is a public blog, i think i wont type it out..)
- venue: plaza singupura
- time: meeting 5 pm at plaza sing mrt station!dhoby ghaut
- what are we going to do: eat, talk, watch movie(tentative), play and basically have fun. oh yah, and to enjoy one another's company =D
- dress code:well, no dress code, but i thought it will be nice if i say dress gaudy accessories.hahahaha what am i saying
- time this will probably end:well, we might end really late, who knows!we might be too high tt night, and we might leave like around, 11 plus?remember the dark and romantic walk thru the park?we went home late too..hahaha
so hope more more more people will go!it will be fun to play and have fun, eversince the release of stressful, need to destress right..hahaha anyway, hope to see u all there!!miss u all already..hope me sook rox and weiqi can rush down on time to join u all(tho it's quite late like 8 plus..we see how late u all can play XD ..) woohoo love u all 4e7ners..rock on!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
hahahaha i finally managed to do the jae thingy...after about 7+ hours of trying. MOE rocks sia.
Alright, about the puting on saturday...we are meeting at PS at 5. Depending on the movie times, we may have to eat dinner before watching the movie. Suggestions for movie are hitch and series of unfortunate events. If the times are close enough, we can split into 2 groups to watch the movies. It would be nice if we could know the response, so speak up, people!
Well, I can say that I've done my JAE reg!! Positively sure that i'm the first among all of u here. Haha. Hope u guys also have a clear idea in your future. Anyone thinking abt arts? HIST?? seems like I'm be the lonely soul here, besides Emmy who will be taking hist. But nvm, I can still tell you all stories abt modern day history if u all even have the slightest interest to listen.
btw, anymore outings this weekend? sch is abt to start agn for the ajcians. which is pretty good since life gets a bit still if u stay away from sch for too long.
*peace out*
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
woah this is way too cool...
has anyone done your jae yet... i'm still deciding...
remember to keep this saturday free... we may be going out and amos is coming!!! yay!
Yo e7 zhonghuarians! Haha, hope u all can visit the blog every now and then.
I noe tt some of us are fretting over the choices made during PAE. Well, me too. Juz to tell everyone tt dun regret on the choice u make. Follow wat ur heart tells u to. *Smilez*.
Dark Lord
*Pls note: The doodle board has been banned, due to high maintanance costs. Only advanced users can use. Wadeva.*
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
i dream
sorry...the previous post was from me, warren...and i guess you can tell that this post is also from me, warren..
hello...the tagboard isn't working? sorry i don't know how to use blogger so i can't do anything about it...i can dream though..
BIG shoutout to all the E7ners out there! This shall be yet another place where we can exchange info abt one another's life and be sure that we dun miss out too much! can we say bye to msn now? Haha! :)
Karin and LeeYY!! u guys have done a fantastic job!! this skin is so darn cute! super match the cute ethics of all of us! anyway, I've added a "4E7 thingy" at the bottom. _______4.E.7_____
Hope u guys can see it.
*peace out*