Sunday, March 13, 2005
heys ((:
Hey babies! ((:
Why the ktv outing got time and no date one hahaha. I realise I can't go to ktv and sing cos whenever I sing 5566 songs, I see Renfu, I scream and can't continue anymore hahaha. Speaking of which, shuli and emmy the pigs haven't given me my picture book which I waited for eons.
And I've finally bought 5566 concert vcd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And let's all have chalet ok! :D And have bbq and mahjong sessions! And class outings at more special places like Jurong Island or something.
Basically I'm crapping but still. You all love me rite. <3
Actually I'm quite happy with my current class cos they are all very nice people though not as funny as you guys in class (maybe they are all sleeping that's why hmm). But there are only 3 pathetic guys in my class and all of them are from chinese high. Sigh. None can play basketball as well as the 4e7 guys :( but then most of the bitches there are so different from the bitches in zh hahaha. More classy in the paris hilton style and more vicious I think. They need more nice people like us.
Anyway, yc coming to an end soon!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!! I can finally have my regular life back after losing it for nearly 3 months ((: Applaud for all the poor yc girls!!!!!!