Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Yay! Finally! :D
Hello peeps!!!!! I went through so much trouble to blog here you know. First I dunno the username until I went to our MSN group, next I dunno how to use blogspot cos I've never used it before. Diaryland is better :D
Hope everyone is still alive and kicking! Really want to go see you all but stupid yellow city !@#$%^&*@!@$%
Anyway...you all really wanna go to Pulau Ubin? Like go there feed mosquitoes you know. Then help them carry on their lifeline...how can? I rather go donate blood hahaha. Plus the toilets there quite dirty.
Or we can go to east coast? Near Parkway somemore so we can head there for dinner after the bicycle trip! Or we can just cycle around some HDB estates hahahaha.