
2004. Zhonghua .
Some things never change

Thursday, March 24, 2005

my further thanks

now i shall continue with my little words of thanks

emmy: words can no longer show how i feel for you, my best friend. we dont need words anymore. =) thank you so much. for being the one to change my life forveer, for being the one to keep my alive, for being the one to support me when i fall, to the one whom i know i can always trust, for being the one to love me for who i am, for the one who truly care. thank you. for everything you have done for me. thank you, for being my emmalyn. =)

penuel: that special day when we had to hang out together was hilarious. and thanks to it, i actually realised that we can have quite a lot of fun together, with me pointing at cute fluffy toys and you pointing at ugly ones and insisting that they are cute. hahaha...we had quite a lot of laughs that day. and somehow there wasnt those ugly and cold silence between us. guess we can rock the world too huh? hehehe...i think all guys who play piano are cool. so you're cool. totally.

nianya: noo...dont scold me. HAHAHA. in my impression see you must smile and scold you at the same time. and den laugh and laugh and laugh. den you call me naughty girl. hehe. you're a nice and sweet girl. and you got quite the cutest voice in class. i thought i would have died of dunno what if i were teased by the rest of the class like you. but you never really got angry with us. you are indeed the queen of our hearts.

christine: it's a pity i didnt get the change to really haNg out with you. i remember the few times you and denise sat down to talk with usabout personal stuff. it was during those times i felt much closer to you. well...i do hope that we can see each other in the future. and that if the day comes when i see you on the streets, wave and say hi to me. hehe

qinsi: the memories flood to me. ahaha...known you since sec1 and remember how it all began. with fruit punch and comic books. ahahaha..i still haven lend you my comic books yet. and then there was the period of time when you took the fuss to bring bread for us. those were really tasty and you really made our mornings utterly delightful. you're kind, and never once scolded me for my short term memory. thanks! for being such a forgiving and understanding girl.

chooise: it's been a long way. and we have overcomed a lot to reach where we are today. cherish yourself ok, and dont let anyone, just anyone get you down. and remember, what are friends for? ;) if ever the day comes when you need me, dont even hesitate. just come up and call me and i promise i'll be there. for you. thank you rachel, for being there for me too. you're kind and sincere. remain that way forever.

(to be continued)


(am i taking a very long time? teehee)

4E7 posted on 7:32 PM


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