Wednesday, November 16, 2005
sorry to keep you guys waiting
things i need to tell you guys about.
- the sleepover meeting time: 6.00 pm at Yio Chu Kang Mrt Station(sigh, im having council outing b4 this so let me have the time to come down from harbour front to yck ok?? thanks yen for all the help too!)
- please note the following important items!
- cushion
- sleeping bag
- dvds vcds cds
- poker cards
- board games/ anything u wan to play
- MONEY! for food and all that
- EZ link card
- enough clothes
- tooth brush
- toiletries
* they are the basic things u may need for an ordinary chalet! must bring ar! - all other special arrangements, i will tell you guys on the day itself. :) like where to bathe, sleep, play and which aircons to switch on. haha
that's all abt the chalet, for now.. hope things are clearer now! :D
and let me tell you a story to make you guys laugh.
it had been a great day yesterday. the weather's doing fine, altho it was really warm for a while, the food at BK was great, and the first day of my first aid course went well. i mean, what could really go wrong, it was such a nice day. seeing weiqi on stage as the "great seamstress" and maracas "shaker" was entertaining. the day just CAN'T get any better. what's more, 4e7's around. everything was great, really.
we reached amk.
yen and matt were having a short celebratory cheer after having successfully sent each other bluetooth files, and hurriedly we got off 74, and made a whole racket. you know, saying good bye and all, waving franctically to the double decker. we knew 853 wouldn't come that quickly; we missed the previous one, so we sort of took our own sweet time. yen suggested going 7/11, and off we go. wow! cheap snapple on the shelf! great! just what we wanted: cold drink. we opened the snapples and started comparing the facts, laughing and joking. as usual. we crossed the road to the 853 bus stop, and stood somewhere near the bus stop. under a tree. big mistake.
it was around 10.30pm already, and we started talking abt the sleepover, and thinking abt the fun we are so going to have. we stood in a bermuda triangle formation, the 3 of us. wow, the drink's lovely. then, all of a sudden, i felt something. it's like the sensation you get when a small fly land on your elbow. then i saw, oh, a speck of something. i flicked it off my hand, and continued talking to yen. i never realise anything at all, seriously.
then i heard it.
james exclaimed,"oh no." the first thought that ran thru my mind was, did me and yen just miss the bus? couldn't be, the time's not right. ah, then we saw.
the slimy goo on james's finger.
then, me and yen started laughing, and wondering just how lucky james is. i mean, such "misfortune" don't happen to you all the time. *laughter proceeds* i finished my snapple, as yen attended to james. stuffing tissue paper between his fingers. i decided to open my bag, to take out my phone, to start smsing ppl abt wad just happened.
then i saw it. that lump of thing. on my bag.
man, my first reaction was shock. then laughter came, and went. yen started giving me tissue paper too, and we just laughed and laughed. we thought tt was all. we really thought so.
then james decided he shld finish his snapple too. ah, open the cap. "wait, i better check if got bird...SHI*" there, right at the snapple logo, is a slight trace of bird droppings.
man, i think i never laughed like that before. james just threw that bottle of snapple down the bin, and three of us stood in the bus stop, concluding that it had been a bad virgo day. (both me and james are virgos born in the same month.)
tata, that's all. so much for a tuesday.
oh yeah, and im abt to be a licensed first aider. muahahaha
love, karin