
2004. Zhonghua .
Some things never change

Saturday, November 26, 2005


hey ppl!

haha i wan to organise our next outing!! :)

im thinking of organising a class outing to watch chicken little together! the harry potter one is very obviously called off (looks at penuel. he was supposed to organise it. haha) but anyway, tt's not impt! i really really wan to watch chicken little with you guys! shld be quite fun! imagine tt large crowd! the massive movie outing was spiderman rite? ahhh high time for a next outing!

oh yah, i think warren is back in singapore! hahaha he's got PRESENTS i heard. lol let's hound him for them. muahaha

pssst: any takers for Christmas Party??

yours, karin

4E7 posted on 9:49 PM


Hey guys! James here.

I suppose this is my very first time blogging here. =S Anyway, Monday movie session!

Venue: Jubliee??

Eh... I very blur one. Any suggestions pls tag or blog ASAP! Needa confirm with everyone on Sunday. Wait skully wrong venue wrong time then GG liao.


Good luck hav fun during the holidays everyone then! Cya all soon! =)

Dark Lord

4E7 posted on 9:31 PM


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

sorry to keep you guys waiting


things i need to tell you guys about.

  1. the sleepover meeting time: 6.00 pm at Yio Chu Kang Mrt Station(sigh, im having council outing b4 this so let me have the time to come down from harbour front to yck ok?? thanks yen for all the help too!)
  2. please note the following important items!
    - cushion
    - sleeping bag
    - dvds vcds cds
    - poker cards
    - board games/ anything u wan to play
    - MONEY! for food and all that
    - EZ link card
    - enough clothes
    - tooth brush
    - toiletries
    * they are the basic things u may need for an ordinary chalet! must bring ar!
  3. all other special arrangements, i will tell you guys on the day itself. :) like where to bathe, sleep, play and which aircons to switch on. haha

that's all abt the chalet, for now.. hope things are clearer now! :D

and let me tell you a story to make you guys laugh.

it had been a great day yesterday. the weather's doing fine, altho it was really warm for a while, the food at BK was great, and the first day of my first aid course went well. i mean, what could really go wrong, it was such a nice day. seeing weiqi on stage as the "great seamstress" and maracas "shaker" was entertaining. the day just CAN'T get any better. what's more, 4e7's around. everything was great, really.


we reached amk.

yen and matt were having a short celebratory cheer after having successfully sent each other bluetooth files, and hurriedly we got off 74, and made a whole racket. you know, saying good bye and all, waving franctically to the double decker. we knew 853 wouldn't come that quickly; we missed the previous one, so we sort of took our own sweet time. yen suggested going 7/11, and off we go. wow! cheap snapple on the shelf! great! just what we wanted: cold drink. we opened the snapples and started comparing the facts, laughing and joking. as usual. we crossed the road to the 853 bus stop, and stood somewhere near the bus stop. under a tree. big mistake.

it was around 10.30pm already, and we started talking abt the sleepover, and thinking abt the fun we are so going to have. we stood in a bermuda triangle formation, the 3 of us. wow, the drink's lovely. then, all of a sudden, i felt something. it's like the sensation you get when a small fly land on your elbow. then i saw, oh, a speck of something. i flicked it off my hand, and continued talking to yen. i never realise anything at all, seriously.

then i heard it.

james exclaimed,"oh no." the first thought that ran thru my mind was, did me and yen just miss the bus? couldn't be, the time's not right. ah, then we saw.

the slimy goo on james's finger.


then, me and yen started laughing, and wondering just how lucky james is. i mean, such "misfortune" don't happen to you all the time. *laughter proceeds* i finished my snapple, as yen attended to james. stuffing tissue paper between his fingers. i decided to open my bag, to take out my phone, to start smsing ppl abt wad just happened.

then i saw it. that lump of thing. on my bag.

man, my first reaction was shock. then laughter came, and went. yen started giving me tissue paper too, and we just laughed and laughed. we thought tt was all. we really thought so.

then james decided he shld finish his snapple too. ah, open the cap. "wait, i better check if got bird...SHI*" there, right at the snapple logo, is a slight trace of bird droppings.

man, i think i never laughed like that before. james just threw that bottle of snapple down the bin, and three of us stood in the bus stop, concluding that it had been a bad virgo day. (both me and james are virgos born in the same month.)

tata, that's all. so much for a tuesday.

oh yeah, and im abt to be a licensed first aider. muahahaha

love, karin

4E7 posted on 6:59 PM


Tuesday, November 15, 2005


so exciting, the sleepover.
karin. i don't get the message.
so what do you mean by meet 6pm for dinner?
on 18th?
PLEASE elaborate.
and someone, tell me cuz i'll be away for awhile.

wo aiix niix mennx. haoxx xii huannx niixx zhiixx buu zhiixx daoxx?

4E7 posted on 12:24 PM


Friday, November 11, 2005

the secret *hush*

hello people..


alright. decided to tell u guys all abt the chalet now.


haha shocked? yah, i din manage to book a chalet for you guys.. so sorry! so i decided to persuade my mom to let me have my old house as the "chalet". it's not a big surprise really. dun worry! at least there's lots of space in my old house (it's really empty and there's nothing inside except for the air cons and standing fans and stoves. and one unused fish tank. ) my mom gave me some instructions for tt day. haha my ex-neighbours know we are coming down, so it shld be okay. dun worry abt the TV, tables and chairs, water, air con and electricity. and poker cards. and board games. yenny and ks had graciously offered to help! :)

mahjong table, icebox, 2 slping bags, mayb chairs, dvds = yenny
tv, dvds, the games, 10 decks of playing cards and probably some electric appliances = ks
any other things = u guys can help to bring too!

currently, we are short of mahjong tiles, lots of sleeping bags (there's no beds in my house) cushions..and ALL OF YOU!

our 2005 November chalet has just been transformed into:


hmm, my intuition tells me that some of you might not want to join us after you know tt u will spend 3 days in yio chu kang, but hey, come and have fun lah!

ks, yenny and i got the proposed timetable drawn up:

Friday: meet at 12nn
ice breaker game = wacko? and the pomelo game. (or xiao gang also can)
BRIDGE/ any other games while waiting for ppl to come
dinner: tentatively marina bay
mrt home
own time own target play and slp/chat

mac delivery breakfast
harbour front eat, then take 855 home.


mac delivery breakfast
do anything we like!
dinner at thomsom plaza

Sunday: (note: no shuttle service=walk)
or alternatively, u guys can go home and rest (to make up for lost slp)

by the last day, there's probably only the few of us left. but i still most of u can come down and have fun on friday and saturday! i cant wait! hope u guys feel excited too. hmm

that's all from me now!

your sleepover organiser, karin

4E7 posted on 12:04 PM


Thursday, November 10, 2005

hey! please read this k!

hello ppl!

Do go and help the pakistan victims!
help to pack the blankets and clothes at the scouts hq ok!
it's a good deed and since it's the holidays for some of us already :)

and...THE CHALET! i've got a surprise in store for you guys.
  • PLEASE MEET AT YCK MRT STATION on the 18TH OF NOVEMBER. please be there punctually at 12nn (cos there got the bus we need to take)
  • also, those who cant make it by 12nn that day but are coming later, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO EAST COAST YOURSELF! call me up and tell me what time u will be coming.
  • and GO YCK MRT STATION NO MATTER WHAT! haha (that's where the surprise is)

hopefully it will all turn out good. and one thing i can promise you guys : THERE'S LOTS OF SPACE TO STRETCH YOUR LEGS. it should be comfortable.

things you can consider bringing:
  1. cushions (if not, pillow. trust me, u shld bring it)
  2. sleeping bag
  3. poker cards
  4. tissue paper
  5. tidbits
  6. money ($20 shld be a safe amt)
  7. yourself
  8. casual outfits

tt's all i can think of now. when the time comes, u will know wad all this is for. HAHAHa oh yah, and FULLY TOPPED UP EZ LINK CARD. lots of travelling is expected.

hope this creates enough suspense for our up and coming chalet. MUAHAHAHA...

love, karin

4E7 posted on 12:03 PM


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

who wants to go help pakistan quake victims?

yizhin smsed me abt going to the scouts hq to help pack warm clothings and blankets! it's on until 15 Nov and it starts from 10am to 9pm. tmr and friday would be their busiest days. i most likely plan to go on friday..anyone wants to help out as well? meals will be provided and u can come and leave anytime.

love always,

4E7 posted on 11:00 PM


Ok, anyone still wanna go for my class concert? 15 Nov, 7.30 pm at TCHS Drama Centre. Tix going at $6. All proceeds go to Community Chest. I got perform abit lah heh. So anyone still wanna go? Tell me by Friday! =D


4E7 posted on 9:51 PM


Sunday, November 06, 2005

ok babies!

now here's the deal, under very extreme and severa circumstances..we do have to book the chalet on 18 to 20 NOV for East Coast Costa Sands. cos after considerations, the next possible dates we can book is on 27 to 29 and warren is unable to make it for both dates, we have no choice but take 18 to 20 cos then the poly students will be able to join us

so once again

18 to 20 East Coast Costa Sands

4E7 posted on 12:12 AM


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

jet lag!

wah lau. i come back from melbourne on 26 night leh. sigh...

anyway, tml matt is having an open house! hari raya puasa celebration at his place...even though none of use are muslims. meet at his house or at compass point at 11, i'm not too sure...anyway seems like quite a few are going so just contact anyone of us tml!


p.s seems like most of you think a bbq is too troublesome...so i guess we won't have one. we'll gamble instead.

4E7 posted on 7:25 PM


heyyy, your chalet organiser here once again. just in case my tag gets pushed down the board. ***please note the NEW CHANGES!

decided to change the dates of our chalet! so now, it's scheduled on the 27th, 28th and 29th November. please please please make these days free ok? it's sfrom unday to tuesday, a bit weird but i din realise the 26th is fully booked already. so i think it's ALMOST finalised!take note k! well take heart cos at least there's a sunday....:)

that's all from me now..warren suggested bbq, but i tot it's quite troublesome. what do u think though? please tag!

yours, karin

4E7 posted on 1:15 PM


hello, your chalet organiser here :)

guess what, i think the chalet is booked already. my uncle and aunt graciously offered to help me again :) haha they were the ones who helped me booked an aranda chalet some 4 yrs ago. hahaha

okay so please please please MAKE 28TH 29TH and the 30TH free ok! it will be at downtown east, and pretty sad to say i think i only booked one room (which means really really little space. think most of us gotta camp out. we'll see abt tt lah!) and it will be a monday tuesday and wednesday. tentatively. that means we can watch movies too (only $7!!) maybe i can draw up some programmes (effect of council) okay i think tt's all abt it!

oh yah, and monetary matters. i think i need volunteers to be in my committee! haha the money collector. what an impt post. okay tag on the board ok! must reply if u're going! im taking attendance!

yours, karin

4E7 posted on 9:13 PM


  • There are 42 of us here.
