Thursday, October 13, 2005
april snow
my sister and mom caught april snow today. hahaha. quote my sister, " siao one tt movie, dunno why did i watch it for." hahaha and btw, are we of the right age to watch it? hahah my mom said it was steamy. the female lead is really HOT but the movie quite meaningless. so are we still watching it? i suggest we watch WIG. hahahah the trailer is sooooo scary lah!
my lesson end at 9.20 am tmr. hmm. i would have pon it if i din have prom meeting. sigh. had conflict management course today, learnt how to reframe my perspective! i shld be a mediator next time..hohoho
alright tt's all today, have fun over the weekend folks.
regards, karin
4E7 posted on 10:36 PM