Tuesday, September 06, 2005
i'm such a slacker lately
havent done anything to make myself proud. basically, my timetable everyday only consisted of the bed and the bed and the bed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YITLING! still remember the great saturday mornings we had with mr tay! we gossiped to our hearts' content! we had so much fun even though it was amaths tuition! hahha. i still remember desmond and his mean theory about the red handbags and how that poor guy is dashing off for sales. so mean!! and the nanyang girl in our class is in hc now. see her now and then but we never said hi. so weird la.
i'll always remember the fantastic back row people! me you and pekky! (ignore that wahlau)
i'm going swimming tomorrowww! so excited! going swimming with roxanne! xue min r u joining us? and joyce (aka joycey wahaha) wanna join us? we can even have breakfast after that! yay!
and the go back to mugging! (or at least try to!)
muack and kisses
4E7 posted on 3:20 PM