
2004. Zhonghua .
Some things never change

Sunday, July 22, 2007

walk the walks less travelled!

SECRETS OF THE RED LANTERN- a chinatown night walk.

for those who went to the humanities camp back when we were in sec3 shd rmb the quite thrilling and horriying walk down kanpung glam. but needless to say, it was all a very very great experience with many eye-opening and ear-popping stories/lessons learnt.
pls pls pls come again to this exciting trip with me when we can all "Discover vice and tragedy in the shadows of Chinatown by night"-quote from singaporewalks. This tour actually costs $25 and it is on every friday 6.30pm to 8.30pm.meeting place at chinatown mrt exit A we will visit:
• Pagoda Street • Food Street • Street of the Dead • • Back Alleys • Red Light District • Barbequed Pork Shop •
PLS REPLY ASAP..we can go after the zhss visit.. big time outing before school starts agn for some of us..pls come.MUST COME!!
xuemin who will really love to explore singapore's nooks and cranies sends out her plea

4E7 posted on 9:49 AM


Sunday, July 15, 2007

i've changed my blog add!!!

pls relink me!!!



4E7 posted on 10:43 PM


Sleep over!!!

from left (clockwise): roxxane, avril, sook lee, me, xue min and yen ming.
taken at hougang mall where we had our dinner!! the food is not bad =)

plus weiqi, kai siang, eric and matthew. ks is so thin!!!! please take care ya?

group photo with warren and min loong. ml is hugging my pillow. lols. he looks like a big boy here. =X

the group of us who stayed over. karin and me and the guys. alven, zhan seng and leslie came pretty late. lols.
birthday celebration at my house for the july babies!!! hope you guys like it.

sorry for making you guys look so gay in the picture. oh ya! they had a task. there were 3 candles and each of them can only blow off their own candle. well, they succeeded!!! leslie had the easiest job though. lols. leslie is still an over-achiever. he'll be going overseas to study economics. i think he'll have a great time there. and a very wonderful future too. kinda envious of him. he has a scholarship. i think he became really capable in jc. president of various clubs. and now he's an officer in army too! really proud of him. and my mum has a very good impression of him. hahahahx.

the last slp over during christmas was actually in 2005 but many of us thought that it was just last year. time flies ya? i'm glad that the previous slp over has been in your heads. lolx =) we had goose, and alot of food.

this time round, we had alot of snacks, and we talked. alot. looking through those year books really brought back memories. alven and i were talking about our bball days. and the rest of them talked about zhss. about our class. everyone changed so much. reminiscing about the past. it's such a wonderful memory!! oh... so sorrie i fell aslp. sobx!!! so pai seh!!!! didn't manage to see you guys out. hope you all had fun!!

(5:03 PM) [♥7thHe8ven♥] *j: hope u all had fun wor.
(5:03 PM) kaisiang: haha
(5:03 PM) kaisiang: ya..
(5:03 PM) kaisiang: had dun
(5:03 PM) kaisiang: fun
(5:04 PM) kaisiang: being with e7 ppl means fun already
(5:04 PM) kaisiang: haha
(5:04 PM) [♥7thHe8ven♥] *j: waaaaaa.. i shall copy and paste this and put on our blog!!!

was talking to ks. "being with e7 ppl means fun already" i can't agree more. whenever i've to blog about class gathering, memories just flood in. and i've nv regretted being in e7 at all. so what if we attracted alot of unnecessary attention. we've bonded as a class. we are united. "one for all, all for one."

how i wish we can go back to zhss, wearing our class jerseys to take that class photo again to see how much we have changed. is it really possible? can we make it possible?


4E7 posted on 6:18 PM


7th Heaven:

e7 gathering at new york new york in amk hub =) kaisiang and denise looks scandalous here!!! =P well, was talking to the guys in my class. they're still the same. nice guys =) i think zhonghua guys are relatively nicer and easier to trust. esp my class guys. and they are pretty good looking too. any takers? lols =X everyone is getting on with their lives. the guys are in army. while we girls are going into uni soon. well, time flies. we've known one another for at least 5 yrs. we've changed. bonded. i'm so glad to have you guys and girls as my classmates. sec sch days wouldn't have been the same without you people. *hearts*

pek sia, denise, karin and me. too bad celest left earlier. =( no photos!! nvm.. i'll bring my camera on thurs!!
the ever cheeky but nice group of guys. eh!! i'm envious. ocs dinner. i wanna go. but too bad =(

last photo of the night. kaisiang is so thin now. and it's worrying. do take care of yourself alright? hope you get well soon!!!

and slpover this saturday!!! do come k?

p.s. any idea why are we called 7th heaven again? anyone remembered?


4E7 posted on 6:18 PM


Saturday, July 14, 2007

slp over at my house tonight!!!! pls come!!!

we'll be meetin at 6.30pm at hougang mrt station. we'll settle our dinner outside okie?

pls bring dvds, vcds, dvd players, anything and everything. hahhahahax =)

hope to see u guys there ltr!!!


4E7 posted on 10:19 AM


Friday, July 13, 2007

hello 4e7,

has anyone read my tag and went back to look at our archives? haha our blog is actually a little over 2 years now! *applause* its been tough keeping everyone together but i think somehow some of us got closer after we graduated, which is a good thing of course.

eric asked me today if its possible to re-take this picture:

i thought it would be pretty tough to re-take this picture in the exact same fashion, with everyone so busy and stuff. but it's still possible...right? :) let's give it a shot one day!

also, kaisiang mentioned something abt the canteen food. says he wants to try out the chicken rice again. hahaha so i was telling him, shall we go back one day on a non-teachers' day day to just eat and feel nostalgic? hahah tell me how u feel abt it - whether or not do you share my sentiments. shall we all just go back next week for some reminiscing?


4E7 posted on 12:04 AM


Friday, July 06, 2007

hey 帅哥美女们


THE CLASS DINNER (been ages since we last had one)

Venue: New York New York @ AMK Hub
Date: 8 July 2007 (Sunday)
Time we meeting: 5.30pm (dinner starts at 6pm!)

quite a pity they dont allow people to make reservations on weekends but still, we shall be there early to chop seats..okay?


Venue: Joyce's house!
Date: 14th July 2007 (Saturday)
Time we meeting: *will sms you all again when it's decided.

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4E7 posted on 2:40 PM


  • There are 42 of us here.
