Wednesday, August 31, 2005
you guys just rock. you guys are just irreplaceable :)
dear 4e7..
i got a feeling this is going to be really long. haha but i like it this way!
today had been one of the greatest days i had ever spent in zhss. the first time returning to celebrate teachers' day as a graduate, of course not forgetting, with a bunch of hyperactives from 4e7. we joked and took pictures, as usual. we even invaded 4n1's classroom!(to find out that joyce had a secret admirer..haha!)hahaha, wad i found unbelievable was tt miss yam actually thought we wanted to sabo her!we went to miss leow's place, to find that she had went to see the doctors. ahh and witty yeanyang sent the card up to the 11th storey using the lift.we left the card and the rose by her door, and set off cheerfully to Heartland mall. it was raining.well, was anyone affected by it? nah, of course not. we are hungry little children marching to the Heartland mall.we reached the place at 1.53pm(i rmb quite clearly cos lyy was commenting on how early it was)man, Pizza hut's service isnt tt great after all. we settled for BK, and spent like 2 hrs in there, all preoccupied with talking and food. hahaha some of us even played BRIDGE!the afternoon wasnt quite over yet. emmy sooky vrilly gee and weiling decided to do some retail therapy in heartland mall, some of us decided to pay matthew's house a visit..we had bridge the whole day! it was fun, lots of looking over and conspiracy going on.and a pleasant surprise too :) thanks for the's really nice of u guys..:) dunno how many times i must say this, but i m really really (xinfinity) thankful for the cake, and for all of u.
i should thank your parents too. after all, if not for them, i would never know what true friends really are.
thank you 4e7, thank you. you guys just made my year.
"Received the card and flower. 4e7, thank you for the pleasant surprise."--miss leow.
have a great teachers' day tmr! rmb to study hard for promos! be a nerdy mugger..for once! hard to say this but..see u guys after promos :)
love, Karin :)
4E7 posted on 9:42 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
We Belong Together
Heard this from some crappy korean show shown in the middle of the night which i didn't bother to finish the show... Kinda meaningful... Do not really remember the details but somehow this is the brief description...
If you poke a needle on the ground and drop a hay from the sky... The probability of it hitting the nail is the probability of how a class can get together...
Kinda true right? Out of so many countries there's Singapore.. Out of so many Singapore secondary schools we have Zhonghua... And out of so many ZHSS secondary 4(2004) classes we have 4E7... And what does it shows?
We are destined to be together
I love u all... See ya all during Teacher's Day
p.s.. I am typing this during my engineering maths class.... Lalala~
Eric signs off....
4E7 posted on 11:12 AM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
i don't peep at ms leow fyi
haha..actually i find the class jersey quite hot to wear...
oh anybody has rocky? i feel like watching the movies again...listening to the song 'eye of the tiger' brought that impulse on...its a great song. perfect for a boxing movie...
and on wed we're going to visit ms leow? if you all can tell me if you're interested....i'll contact her...
4E7 posted on 6:57 PM
seriously, i think the presents are of secondary importance. the MOST IMPORTANT is of course our mere presence! the invaluable laughter and joy that we can bring them have already surpassed what material things we give them.
however, i do agree that we can perhaps give a little-something for the teachers. suddenly, i feel kinda guilty that i haven't bought anything for any of the teachers on their day. uh-oh. maybe it's time to start this yr?
choco will be a good choice cuz' i suppose no one is allergic to it? i won't dare to say for flowers. yeah. rmb the pollen allergy yeah? cards kinda take a while and a certain effort to make, so unless someone volunteers to do the kind favour. cards may be out of the question.
so maybe we shd meet at the 7 -11 opp ZHONGHUA instead? HAHA
P.S I was just thinking maybe we shd all wear class-jersey back?? how's tt?
4E7 posted on 12:28 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
hey guys.. wad u all wanna buy for de teachers??? for de zhss teachers.. we mux buy prezzie during de weekend.. i can buy for u all provided u all give me money and tell me wad to buy.. hahhax.. i'm seriously broke le.. and.. wad ya all wanna buy for zhang?? dis fri right?? hmm.. hmm.. choco?? she likes chocolates right??
wad prezzie i think we can buy : smt dat they like.. and have smt to do with de subject they teach
zhang : choco
yam : hmm.. perfume ( bcos of esters) lolx.. de perfume at body shop is nice and we can buy 2.. cos cheaper
leow: perfume? cos i think she very trendy.. lolx =P
ting : battery? lolx.. hahahx.. i seriously dunno..
tan : hair dye?? lolx
tan gim hua : dogs.. keychain? soft toy??
ow : choco? books?
ang : i dunno wad he likes?
ten: i dunno oso..
hmm.. if we realli dunno wad to buy.. we can jus buy/make cards or buy choco for them.. is de easiest.. i dunno.. i crazy le..!!!
-joycey (",)
4E7 posted on 9:41 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
teachers' day
hey dearies
now im proposing 26th of august (a friday) to visit zhang! is that ok?
woah. i'm so excited for teachers' day *coughpianoprincecough*
4E7 posted on 7:51 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Indeed joyce...u missed out lao zhang...Ahahahahahaz...Bleah...Anyway wedding crashers sound nicer...Aahahahz....=P
test test test test test test test test
exam exam exam exam exam exam
I ponning school on wed to see teachers! missed them soooo much! And guess what....Including Miss Tan Gim Hua! My impression of her as a mentor improved when i talked to her once when i went back school....=D
Eric signs off...
4E7 posted on 12:56 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
heex =)
hahhax.. of cos moi idea is good.. lolx.. buy smt for de teachers? not a bad idea.. buy for : ms yam, ms ting, ms tan, ms tan gim hua, ms leow, mr ang, ms ow, ms ten.. did i miss out any1??
hmm.. we shall go zhss on de 31 aug so dat we can c these teachers and grads too.. hmm.. go and see zhang on de 29 or 30th? or before dat??
warren.. i dun realli have hw lae.. heex..
i wanna watch bewitched!!!!!!!!! any1???
4E7 posted on 8:59 PM
YAY! our class blog more active nowadays! yay!
hahaha. about the teachers' day thing, i tin better to adpot joyce's ideas so we can see the graduates on that day too *coughpianoprincecough*
so let's visit zhang a few days earlier! wanna get anything for our teachers? i'm excited to see all the graduates! *coughpianoprincecough*
blog blog blog
4E7 posted on 1:51 PM
hmm..shuli says that we visit zhang on 31 august...then on friday 2 september we visit zhss teachers...i guess im pretty ok with that.
joyce, you don't have any hw? im bogged down by it...can't go out.
4E7 posted on 12:34 AM
Friday, August 12, 2005
waa.. it has been a long long long looooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggg time since i last blog here.. hahahhax.. well.. in response to shuli's prev entry.. go to Yj to c Zhang?? not gg back to zhss to c de other teachers? y dun we go YJ to find zhang 1 day b4 de teacher's day celebrations and go to zhss during the celebrations??
i dunno.. up to u all!!
i'm so bored.. i wanna go out!! sobx..
4E7 posted on 11:19 PM
hey guys!
wanna go back yjc to visit zhang on the 31st of august?
it's been so long since we last seen zhang! hahaa. let the bygones bygones and vist her. HAHAHAA. so if it's ok, post ur timetable for tt day here on the blog so we can better arrange a time to visit her!
4E7 posted on 10:31 PM
Hmm, Sook likes "BEE HOM" huh. Very nice.
I love Karin, because she makes me feel all warm inside. Shall we go overseas together? Organise a trip after promos or something.
Thanks to Karin's mom and sisters too, for fixing great BEE HOM, crispy duck which was almost, but not almost, contaminated by leslie's chopsticks (sorry leslie hahahahahaha!), otah egg which matthew scraped clean, and other nice things to eat after all that chocolate in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Sigh. Good luck for everyone's studies!
4E7 posted on 8:46 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Vincent Ng in front of me with Michelle's bellowy LUX hair next to me.
hello ppl!
yesterday's National day celebrations had got to be the best for me for the past 17 yrs. i had nv been to any of the parades(not even the preview one during p5) and the first one i had participated in was being an official for crowd control at tampines. it was a great experience! (read: having fireworks and vincent ng with his polished wushu skills right in front of u and having 4 MPs shaking ur hand)hahaha it was great, but i am too tired to feel excited yesterday. well, i slept at 5 am and woke up at 8.12 am, realising xm was late for math tuition..hahah the guys were supposed to WAKE US UP! well, leslie did wake my sisters up with his booming voice though.haha they din need alarm clocks for the first time.
the gathering on the 8th was fantastic! hahaha! though the movies were, well, weird.hahaha and I STILL HAVENT WATCH HOWLS~ but i'm glad all of u had fun..:) oh yah, warren, there's no double standards lah. ks was sleeping on the floor, which i tot was, well, hard. but i'm still quite sorry for not giving u three some comforter. :S anyway, while the 4 of u were out there, i had a great time chatting with xm ;) well well well, at least i know now.
anyway, thanks to ALL who came! u allowed me to have a great time at home :)
to all who wanted to come but was unable to, i will make sure there's a sequel to this one. :D sooky, ur hair is quite ok! hahaha u look quite nice actually. very cheery. anyway, i wish i can type more but i need to eat!!! anyway, take care ppl and see u soon!!!
without wax,
4E7 posted on 1:02 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
on TV!!
I'm o TV!!! Trying to paste some bdae wishes on the birthday card in jurong east!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i was wearing my class jersey then!!! Hipee! Catch me on channel 8 news tml(if there is chance)...When it is playing abt the events in Jurong East... Hee...My number my nick! Yey!!
Eric Signs off
4E7 posted on 11:11 PM
Dear 4e7ers!
indeed, charlie and the chocolate is quite weird and quite a disappointment. tsk. but shuli has nicer hair than willy wonka. SHE HAS! but johnny depp is still cool. LOL.
anyway, once again thanks KARIN! you're the sweetest. let us make a mess in your house. let us force your mom to cook fantastic bee hom and let us eat to our hearts' content! muack! you're the best! hehe.
we got to have more of such nice gatherings. just sitting there and chit chatting was very nice! (: laughing about overseas calls leslie has, kaisiang keeping track of my menstrual cycle ("again?"), karin and warren's talk show, alven and moses' agrument on TB and Hep B, moses' dirty wallpaper, weiqi's sexy legs (or maybe not so sexy afterall), emmy and avril's pink and light pink socks, emmy's cute whinings about johnny depp, and my hairstyle. hahahaa. and i got scared at constantine. i jumped la. and alven laughed at me. sob. hahahahaa
anyway, TEACHERS' DAY IS COMING! let's go yjc and visit zhang and go back ZH to visit the rest of our teachers! ok?
4E7 posted on 9:49 PM
stayover at karin's was the best time i've had in awhile...thanks to all who made it great..
hmm...charlie and the chocolate factory isn't that nice...willy wonka/shuli wasn't that weird in the book..he was an eccentric uncle.
constantine was good...but i still don't get some parts. really don't get i'll check imdb and google later...
well we were quite dumb during at night...the air bed karin had was supposed to be pumped for half an hour...but we only pumped it for 5 minutes. so me matt and leslie just sank down to the ground when we lay on it. ks had to sleep in the uncomfortable massage chair...but he couldn't stand it so he went and borrowed a blanket(and karin scolded me for using earlier...why the double standards?!) and proceeded to use it as a groundsheet when the 3 of us on the bed were shivering. wah lau.
4E7 posted on 8:18 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
hello!!!! some pre party preparations
after a span of like, 10 hours, i finished the following:
1. gp compre
2. mass copying of gp notes "issues and ideas"<-- teacher gave the answer but still insist we finish it -.- lame. she should be put on crutches.
3. math tutorials. tutorial 3 and 4 on derivatives. that's 22 questions.
4. Bio pract and Chem pract worksheets
hahahaha i am so proud of myself la! i finished the 2 math tutorials!!! yay!!!! now i can play more at ease tmr lah. and i havent pack up my pig hole!!!! how am i supposed to let u guys into my room? hahahaha my notes are ALL over the place. think i'll clear them up at 12mn later. have to do Inherited Change tutorial first. sorry if i look like a panda bear tmr, i got no choice!
sad lah. i looked like i dont have a life. but it's okay, my social life will be BACK! cant wait for u all tmr come over tmr! btw, there's no food in my house, haha, i forgot to top up my snack bar. so u guys can bring ALL the food in the world u want, All the DVDS and VCDs(pirated ones are welcomed) and most importantly, BRING YOURSELF! my house will be super noisy tmr..hahaha my mom and my sisters are vacating the place i think. cant wait. woo. in less than 24 hours. come monday, come! aiyo, but friday, pls dun come so soon. (physics test. *sniffs*)
see u guys tmr!!!! take care and rmb to prepare some presents for me hor!(optional) haha!
without wax,
4E7 posted on 9:22 PM
Thanks Karin, I love you for not putting it on a Saturday. I will definitely go! Really, really thank you.
Sian 5/8 man. Still need to do Mr Tay's tuition homework. It's on Tuesday morning, remember okay! Gah.
Johnny Depp's little girl,
4E7 posted on 8:45 PM
I am not putting words in the principal's mouth. These were really his exact words that really did it for me. "The hundred odd of you all are going to pull down the sch's standard. ARTS students did really badly for the mid yrs. and for those who want to continue with maths, pls show the subject some respect."
yes, and so yet agn, we the pple who pursue arts as our passion are being looked down upon and discriminated like we have some dirty ugly disease. what are we arts students in AJC suppose to make out of his groundless accusations? oh, we are lazy, rebellious, good-for-nothing idiots who are actually wasting space in the school, where actually they could have taken more bright sparks to boost the sch's standard. yes, it's all our fault.
i think all of us were really outraged by what this pathetic principal of ours had said. so don't blame us if we don't have the "school's spirit". what a load of crap when one says we shd have it in this rundown school of ours.
maybe i shd've been prepared for such vicious attacks long be4 i decided to put the sch as my top few choices. that leaves me with 2 of the gr8test mistakes i've ever made in my learning journey.
woah. that was one hell of an angry entry. feel so gr8 now after letting it all out.
4E7 posted on 2:13 PM
Poly is so heratless....Dun have half day b4 National Day....Dun have full day off after National Day....Wha liew...So heartless...So much for "TETIARY" education....
Now i am stuck....My lesson is until 5 too(think alven's lesson is till then too) ....But I dun have the previlege to pon school with attendance marked like what ks can do....Pon is counted as lesson gone....Haii....Anyone teach me what to do? Or alven and I go together??*hopes*
I feel like singing "Majulah Singapura" now...I miss the song...=Pp..Hee
Eric signs off...
4E7 posted on 11:17 AM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
i cant wait for the incredible part at karin's! I'M SO EXITCED! first time so eager for a monday to come. ehhee.
well, today im really dan slack! spent my whole day watching LOST. which is damn nice. who are LOST fans here? ehhee..
hey guys, bring all your DVDs and VCDs along when u go karin! the more movies the merrier right? hehe. and let's dig into pizza that day! yeah!
i'm so excited!
4E7 posted on 8:57 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
THANKS KARIN!! but then again, i have this feeling that i might be the only person to stay over that night. i don't think sooky and yen can stayover so... haiz.. we shall see abt that yeah?
i think i would go home and shower and CHANGE OUT of UNI before i head to your hse. i think i can only go there in e evening or late afternoon.
oh and i shall tell u all abt my chi test. quite a few blanks here and there but i think i shd be able to manage a PASS. whee! that shd be not bad seeing that i had only started studying the day before. with an estimated time of 1 plus hr!! oh and my friend lemme see a bit la.. =)
i'm visiting the national lib tmw!! PW meeting there at abt noon. anyone free to POP by for a visit?? it would be deeply appreciated as PW w/o bridge bore me to sleep. but i think i shd really buck up cuz' apparantly one of my grp mates want a GRADE 1. mind you, it;s a GRADE 1.
alright, see u guys soon!! and pple!! BLOG MORE!
4E7 posted on 8:48 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
yay xuemin, i think my mom somewhat agreed for a mini stayover! but i think my place can only put up some girls! i told her 4, and she agreed!(somehow i took her silence as a yes) i'm sorry to say, i think only 4 to 5 girls can stay over! (my father might kill me if guys EVER stay over matt and ks during june last yr :S) apparently my father wasnt THAT pleased.
anyway, eric's suggestion sounds feasible! who's for it? i'm okay with it though. aiyo, guess what, i think i have to help move lockers on tuesday. think tt will take up some time. but think i'll do fine by 12 nn.
so what's the plan like? are we meeting first? there are 2 options. one, can go home and bathe first, so u will be smelling nice and fresh after school. two, go my house straight! hahaha i think sook weigee and me can wait for aj peeps at the 852 bus stop outside aj. and there's 853 from ny. and there's 965 from seng kang, 854 from tj, mrt from anywhere else...i really dunno how to meet u guys tt why not u guys call me when u're coming? guess i dun fix any time, so u guys can meet up and go my house by yourselves! is it ok?
okay..cant wait for all of u to reply me..yay!
without wax, karin
4E7 posted on 9:02 PM
though i don't usually take chinese test seriously, peer pressure has prompted me to start MUGGING my butt off at those long poems and whatnots. seriously, all these memorising is actually usueless cuz' eventually they'll go down the drain. just like those "mo xie" we used to do in sec4. teachers just don't understand.
so tmw, i got an ULTRA long "mo xie" to be tested and I am thinking already of who to sit beside already. HAHA. so sorry. i got a tiny brain yeah..
can i ask what time to meet on the 8th? the 8th is such an exciting number!! HAHA. but i think that I can only meet u guys in the evening. I've asked karin if I can stayover...but i'm not sure of the reply yet. But hopefully can!! =)
alright, that's all for now. have to at least MUG a bit for chi. I know my friend is irritated by my constant looking over her shoulder. wish me luck!
4E7 posted on 7:07 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
dear dears
hey 4e7,
long long time since i last blogged here. our class blog recently a bit stale so here i am!
i guess everyone's pretty busy recently. jc ppl busy with block test and the stess and catching up after it. the poly people- just listen to eric. project and everything also made them very very busy.
sigh. life after secondary school didnt have the break i thought we're gonna have after the big o's. but anyway, i'm really looking forward to the eighth! karin so kind, open her house for us to party. but traditional chinese woman will leave early. like at 6 plus. sighh... but at least i can see you guys for a while! cheers!
i guess i'm really grateful for saturday tuitions with yeanyeang, xuemin and emmylai. cos without these mini gatherings, it's as if i dont see e7 people at all! well, if u're v free, you can always see us at hougang mall at 11 something on saturday mornings. hahaha.
i really miss 4e7 and the good ol' times we share. for me, even til now, my present class is a no match for 4e7. miss you guys!
well, class gatherings are slowly depleting in numbers. we hardly see each other anymore but hey ppl, at least we can do something through the class blog! blog more frequently and abt what you guys are doing so at least we know!
for me, i recently a bit stressed. but still quite slack.I WANT TO WATCH CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY except i suspect i wont have any time for it. my life is now pretty much a repeating routine except it's worse than before the o's.
and i've fallen in love with the idea of university life recently. dunno why but during lectures i will find myself thinking how nice life could be then. put aside the ugly uniforms and the strict and meaningless routines i'm going through everyday. honestly, i cant wait for a'levels to be over as soon as possible. i feel so trapped nowadays.
well that's like all the crap from me. dear dears, i love u guys!
4E7 posted on 7:20 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
No worries warren...My com can't see the tagboard at all too...So it's's fault...Can't seem to get inside the webbie too...
Eric signs off....
4E7 posted on 11:19 PM
hmm..the tagboard seems to be down...or is it just me and my com?
im looking forward to the gathering on the 8th...its going to be one of the last real fun things i can enjoy...studying for promos after that...
4E7 posted on 10:01 PM