
2004. Zhonghua .
Some things never change

Sunday, July 31, 2005

1st post?

Yo 4E7...Guess this is my 1st post here huh? Hope this is not my last...Hehehe=)

Hmm...Life in poly seems to be much more hectic than i expected...Tonnes of tutorials to complete ( I can choose not to do it because i have no need to pass them up...But eventually if i get lousy grades and have no fate to go to U then i can only blame myself)...Not to mention assignments too...So yar...When any of u all's relatives think poly is damned easy life...Correct this misconception for me please...Hahaz...I am trying to save people from this poly trap..Heeee....

Yup...And karin....Can i suggest we go back ZH to visit teachers on the 8th and then we set off to ur house?


Eric signs off....

4E7 posted on 12:54 PM


Saturday, July 30, 2005

hello!! pls come my house on the 8TH!!!

hellos to my babes and hunkies,
i had just made my house available on the 8th!!! pls pls pls come if u can!!! hope u had read my previous post abt the day's programme, sms me if u have a suggestion on what we can do tt day!

really excited to have u guys over.i made sure my pw and cca wont take away my half day.haha!

i want to tell the whole world: i have Taufik's address!hahaha that was lame but, oh well!

back to our topic! my house is in khatib, yishun! for amk yck ppl, u guys can take 852 or 853(or ANY of the 85+ buses to yishun!)..for hougang sengkang punggol ppl, it's 965. for any individuals living in tampines(which i dun suppose) it's 39. for others with no direct buses, there's always the NORTH SOUTH LINE :) u guys can call me on my mobile( i'm quite positive u know :))and rmb to bring some home clothes tt day if u wish to change out for ur school uniform(or red shirt :S)

that's all from me now. REMEMBER, it's the 8Th!!! :) meanwhile, take care and see u soon!

ps, hope miss leow is ok. btw, i have 3 decks of cards in my house. :D

without wax(avril baby, i read the digital fortress :D)

4E7 posted on 9:03 PM


Friday, July 29, 2005


Guess you all know where this place is right? haha.


4E7 posted on 12:38 PM


Hi guys...i'm here to update you all on miss leow, whom we all know was(and still is) sick.

I visited her yesterday with amos and a couple of other ex zhss people...she seemed quite sickly, pale(more than ever) and thinner(can you believe it). she got better as we talked, so i think we should all go visit her and let our calming influence soothe her frail(currently) body.

she's going back to sch next monday if she's fine by then, so we only have till sunday to pay a visit.she lives at Lorong Ah Soo, block 130 and i can bring all of you there, no problem...it all depends on which day most of us are free. we can stay late actually, since we only left her house near midnight.

if you all do see this please tag or drop me an sms? i'll still be msging the lot of you tml to see when you all are free...but it'll make my job abit easier if you all can come forward to tell me. i'll just put the day as friday for now.


4E7 posted on 5:52 PM


Monday, July 25, 2005

go for the gold, fight for the best!


i am really hyped up now, as u can see, I"M HAVING A HALF DAY TMR!! along with sooky and weiqi! hahaha yea. long awaited day. the 3 of us are really estatic.hai.but count myself unlucky or what. i have to do PW tmr.which is super anticlimatic.feel like killing my PW grp mates for this stupid idea.EOM?sian.

but, sad things aside, let me talk abt something nice! haha i had told my mom abt inviting u guys over, and she said OK! it's tentatively on the 9th of august, cos apparently, that's like one of the days we are free u see.or we can have it on the 8th, since the 8th is usually a half day for us all, and we can play thru the afternoon and night. how bout that?
okay let me fill u in with more details. currently, i have war of the world, howl's moving castle, spirited away(which we watched like a thousand times :)), the day after tomorrow, constantine and all the what's not which i cant rmb..food wouldn't be a problem that day : there's a newly opened pizza bar just a 5min walk away from my place which sells LARGE slices of pizza at $3.90 each and each slice comes with a pepsi.or there's 3 other coffee shops to choose from. or macdonalds.or a 5 min bus ride to north point for other stuffs.hahaha i am really excited! really wan u guys to come over again.haha it will be fun this time.

ahhh.okay that's all from me today..hahaha btw, happy racial harmony day ppl! this yr's racial harmony day was crap for me. there was hardly any festive spirit in the air. the students dun really give a damn. i suddenly rmb how our class rocked during rhd last yr. whooo!almost everyone donned a costume.u guys were GREAT!

anyw, i gtg..time to do some work..i'm mugging thru the night! if u wan to call me at midnight, i think i will still be awake. only tonight i think.hahahaha jiayou everyone!!!

without wax, karin

4E7 posted on 9:35 PM


Sunday, July 24, 2005

when will ks pass me rave book 31?

hmm...how come no one seems to want to blog...

anyway i just recovered today from one of the worst gastric pains i have suffered in my life...i'll spare you all the details, but suffice to say it wasn't pretty. must be the serangoon gardens food. haha...or maybe it was caused by weiqi continually laughing at me.

karin offered her house to us for dvd watching...dunno when that will be, probably around national day weekend or sth i guess...


4E7 posted on 10:32 PM


Friday, July 22, 2005

ks still still owes me rave book 31

now at ks house...
playing winning eleven 8...
lost 3 times liao...
but still playin...
later got dinner i suppose
but den not sure wad time...
nothing more to say...
c ya...


hmmm...won 3 times le...
think matt will win this time round
i will try my best...

hmm...havn't played yet...
matt just said 'so quick and easy, like maggi mee. hmm rhymes'...
suppose later going for dinner...
dunno where....chomp chomp...or ks house there...
ks got term break soon...wah lau...
think i go play abit of dota...
see you all later...

4E7 posted on 4:41 PM


Saturday, July 09, 2005

ks still owes me rave book 31

hello everyone...

after some rather one-sided discussion with ks...i have come to a conclusion that we should go to jurong east swimming complex tml morning. after that i suppose we'll go to have lunch and then....well, i dunno. cards?

so we'll meet at 9.30 am at amk mrt...but whoever wants to go there by themselves is of course perfectly fine by me....as long as you tell us so we don't have to spend like half an hour waiting for you before finally realising you're not joining us.


p.s ouyang hongyi and ksoh got position 1 and 2 in chem results in aj...not bad sia.

4E7 posted on 6:24 PM


Monday, July 04, 2005

ks owes me rave book 31

i admit that i wrote the previous post...but i did not sign off! avril wrote that.

yea..so anyway yesterday some of us went to ks house after wandering around in orchard. ks still owes me rave book 31 btw. waited damn long for the food at a zi char restaurant...but in the end still ate quite full.

hmm...we originally decided to go to sentosa next saturday...supposed to meet at harbourfront mrt at 9.30 a.m but according to xue min's tag...some people have tuition. so do we still go ahead with the plan and hope that they can join us later? or change to something in the afternoon.


4E7 posted on 12:06 PM


Sunday, July 03, 2005


we are in ks house wrecking his place! yay.

4E7 posted on 7:14 PM


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Block tests horror!

Hi all!

I'm done with 3 subjects...just one more left! And the dumb thing is, the bloody paper is on Wednesday. And it's LIT, which doesn't require much studying. Sigh.

Tests all cannot make it already lah haha. My GP essay is crap, AQ only has 3 paras, my econs is worse!!!! MCQs mostly like tikam one and the essay is shit. 45 mins to do a 2-part question essay and I sat there for like 10 mins not knowing what to write. Maths is a killer. Chi is super tiring. Imagine sitting there for 3 hours writing non-stop in Chi till your hand drops off and your butt rots and your neck feels so bloody stiff.

But since only need to pass 2 sub to be promoted, then just hope I pass 2 lor. Sometimes I wish I can burn the school down, so all the test papers will be destroyed we won't have to do them and the teachers will not get to mark my lousy answers.

But anyway. 4 July is coming!!!! 2nd class day! Hahahahaha...let's have an outing soon! To celebrate the end of the killer tests.


4E7 posted on 1:47 AM


Friday, July 01, 2005

zhonghua zhonghua stand upright!

dear all,
if there's anything to look forward to these coming november holidays(think PW and PROMOS), well here's one. Yes, i am proud to bring you this piece of good news. HARRY POTTER and THE GOBLET OF FIRE, yes the movie, is scheduled to be released this coming november!
Now, is there anyone planning for a class outing on this one? haha

just finished my math paper today, one more to go this tuesday.ahhhh to all those who are still mugging hard for the unfinished papers, all the way! for those who are already somewhere in the 7th heaven, well, think about us.hahaha that's all i have to say today..feeling crappy today.

alright hope to see you guys REAL SOON. will be heading to Bintan tmr so i guess i cant meet u guys for the pre 4th celebrations!arrr sad..but still, there's always next time.

lots of love, karin

4E7 posted on 3:14 PM


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