Thursday, June 30, 2005
Every day I wake up and it's Sunday
Whatever's in my head won't go away
The radio is playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway
Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
It's good to know that you are home for Christmas
It's good to know that you are doing well
It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting
It's good to know I'm feeling not so well
Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
Do you know it's true
And that won't do
Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday
And whatever's in my head should go away
Still the radio keeps playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway
i think you guys know how it feels like to watch a good friend go
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
meaningless rambling
hey maths paper is gone, didn't know how to do half of it...
i came home and read 'the five people you meet in heaven'. i'm not sure if any of you have read it before, but its good. touching. makes you think about insignificant you are and yet at the same time how important you can turn out to be in someone else's life. oh, and its about love too.
so anyway. about karin's suggestion. sunday is church day, so maybe some won't be able to make it...but then we can always meet up again on the following friday or weekend, so i guess it might not be too bad...
hmm. the previous paragraph, i realised, was pretty devoid of content. just alot of words, that's all. So, sunday lunch. ks suggested his house there (cactus road....a somewhat ok distance from yio chu kang mrt) and holland village( not sure how to go there...near commonwealth mrt apparently).
oh, matt has opened up his house yet again. i should be going on thursday...not sure who else yet.
and matt, xuemin, ks, yean yang, yen ming are going back to zhss to collect their O level certs on thursday...
this friday is zhss's literary evening! anyone wants to go watch people getting screamed at by ms ow?
Monday, June 27, 2005
ahhh...exams suck
ahh..i just screwed up my physics paper BIG TIME. but since most of my classmates said the same things too, then i guess the paper was difficult.still, exams suck.
wonder how celestine is doing right now..probably settling down in her new hostel, getting used to the new climate. hope she sees this blog and reply soon!
hey! can we have a class outing, pre 4th and post 4th celebrations? hahaha since some of us would have finished the paper by then, we can have a 2day celebration..then in tt way, more ppl can come! i suggest something on the 3rd(sunday!) and something on the following friday? sooky, we can make it an afterschool thing!
ahhh finished GP and physics today..think i better go and get started on my chemistry..and so much more.
jiayou everyone!!!!!!!we will all make it through the rain.ahh the feeling of enduring something similar together brought all of us closer together dunnit.
alright, my dinner is ready..see u guys soon and take care!!!rememeber the fruits and water!!good luck and all the best :)
lots of love, karin
Sunday, June 26, 2005
see you. soon hopefully.
Bye celest. We'll miss you.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
zhonghua go zhonghua strike
so the chalet is over! we all incurred some pretty heavy duty sleep debt...hope everybody has recovered.i slept like a log(apparently, i don't rmb a thing) so im feeling quite ok now.
the zipper of my pants got stuck( the pocket zippers lah, not the fly) so i had to take them off and let everybody have a go at opening it(i wore another pair while they were doing this...just in case you all get the wrong idea) so my wallet and camera could be retreived. it took shi hao to rip it open.
ml sprained his ankle badly while playing bball. then some other guy sprained his even more severely a few minutes later.
alven came on the wrong day and missed at least half of those who came.
leslie came for a few hours only and also missed alot of people.
yao yu's specs were hit by the ball and he couldn't wear them anymore after that.
amos left his sunglasses in the chalet.
james left his bball in the chalet.
that was some of the bad stuff.good thing is, that's pretty much all the bad stuff there was....imo. so that means that the rest of it was great!
so anway. the next item on the 4e7 agenda is seeing off celest. her flight leaves at 7.45 on sunday at terminal 1. we have to say farewell to her at around 4-5 so we're meeting at 2, changi airport mrt to have some lunch first. hope its ok with everyone, if its not please suggest a new time and/or place...
oh, the 2nd 4e7 day of the year is coming up....4th of july. what are we going to do?
avril's set of photos!
so sorry wasn't here on second days so these are first night photos!
hey guys!
the chalet is over! really have to thank denise for booking the chalet and letting us have so much fun! thanks Denise!
anyway, i hope next yr we'll have a chalet again after all our examinations!
and here is my photo link!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
chalet!!! yeah!
hey people!
I'm SOOO excited cos tomoro's the GREAT chalet? arent you excited as well! start packing people and bring all ur poker cards and stuff. mahjong please too! (: we rock!
ps: karin! ur poker cards are with me! i found them in my bag. LOL
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
nameless strikes again
nameless here again...
ok, we'll take shuli's suggestion. meet at j8 at 5 then head to the chalet. those who can't or don't want to meet there, try to be at the chalet by 7. if we can check in by then, good, we go to and check out the place then go for dinner. if we can't, then we go straight to east coast food centre for dinner. either way, we'll be having dinner together.
hey guys, in reference to the previous previous post by nameless, the meeting is changed!
i'm suggesting meeting at around 5? den when we reach there we have dinner. is that ok?
0 comments news abt the chalet. apparently denise's mother, who booked the chalet and therefore is the one checking in, isn't really free on that day. so, we may have to wait till quite late for denise to get the keys from her mother.
so if you all want, we can still meet up at 12 like shuli suggested, but then we may have to find some way to entertain ourselves till we can actually get into the chalet proper.
but, as always, there are people who can't make it at 12 and can only meet up in the evening, myself included. so, my suggestion is that those who want to meet up earlier can go do that, but then everyone meets up for dinner at say, 6, then go to the chalet. the keys should be available by then.
also, matt has kindly opened up his house in the morning to all those who are free.(actually, his place is pretty much a chalet during the holidays) so, you can go to his house then head to wherever we're meeting for dinner.
on a related topic, im not too sure how to go to the chalet besides the shuttle bus from bedok mrt...and im not sure abt the times for the bus as well. can anyone who knows post?
hey guys,
here are the details.
let's meet at bishan j8 at 12 if you can make it. den we'll take bus 13 down to east coast. eat there and check in! i cant wait!
time: 12 pm
venue: before the mrt station. the bus stop there.
(: so there you are!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Hello everyone! =D
Hmm well...the Zhonghua campfire on Friday was quite ok lah. But it was great to see everyone in our year back there again! Seems as if we haven't graduated or something hahaha. Too bad our ahemdarlingthpahem wasn't there 'cos xm, ym and I were like contemplating to throw her into the fire! Hahahaha...and oh! One of her fave potted plants almost caught fire when the fireball dropped! Too bad it didn't.
And apparently we have graduated from the Hibiscus award to some other shit I guess there are even MORE plants in the school now.
Looking forward to our class chalet! Cya!!! <3 <3 <3
weiqi =)
Sunday, June 05, 2005
im hungry
hi waiting for my parents to return home with me chao guo tiao so thought i would blog...
class outing was nice...but plenty of $$ left my wallet...haha. so next outing i propose we go eat tze char. like zs said...his "favourite tze char restaurant at casuarina road sell hor fun at $3. eat until full."
haha anyone knows other good tze char places? think karin knows...lets go to one of them next time...
ok my food's here...see you all
dear 4e7!
hmm..the class outing finally ended. well firstly paisei ah everyone, cos ah, ponderosa CLOSED DOWN (wahaha) and we had to go sizzler to eat and waited for ten thousand years.
anyway, i think we all had a great time last night! we were literally filled to the brim and talked until our hearts content. so not too bad a class outing!
your organsier SHULI!
Friday, June 03, 2005
feeel the LURRRVEE
hahaha feeling loony now..probably the aftereffects from talking to WEIQI the big ninny..hahaha cant wait for dinner tmr!! some breather from all the!
dearest 4e7..
feeling glad i have u guys with me..
my jc classmate just told me her sec 4 class din ask her out for class outing..and how she felt pissed out and left some mean tags on their blogs..
thank goodness 4e7 hasnt forgot abt me..
i feel loved, thank you all the 41 of you!
miss u guys, karin
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
class outing!
hey just a gentle reminder to all!
time: 5.30
venue: meet at cityhall mrt station
eating at: ponderosa
date: 4th of june
I'll sms everyone to remind you guys again!