Monday, May 30, 2005
just watched madagascar in the afternoon with my mom and my 2 young cousins.felt so much younger!the movie's a little short though, but it's damn funny! can watch lah, not a waste of money. although i nearly fell asleep in the theatre(i merely slept for 5 hours the day before leh)
anyway, i want to watch STAR WARS. haha see u guys soon. bye!
hey guys! looks like matt, karin, avril are interested in watching/re-watching star wars...can i suggest friday afternoon - evening for this?
btw my pw teacher seems to be approving my class's gpps very now i have no idea whether we are really that good or he's just a big slacker. shit lah.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
i am your father
anyone wanna watch star wars? i'm looking for ppl to join me...anyone free on mon, wed, fri?
we can play golf too if you want...haha
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Another class outing!
I want another class outing!!! And sook and I have decided instead of a badminton class outing, let's have...
Good idea yah? Since sook and I took golf courses :)) So how so how??? Poll people poll!!! Hahahahahaha...
Monday, May 23, 2005
class outing 6
hey people
sorry for much confusion lately! here's the deal!
date: 4th of june 2005
time: 5.30pm
venue: before citylink. at control station
we'll be eating Ponderosa!
any objections? tag!
Friday, May 20, 2005
i ate siew mai today
hey i've changed my email add to
you all can keep the old one if you want...but this is the one i'll probably be using from now on...
could someone please invite me to the msn group? thanks...
p.s happy birthday emmalyn...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
dim sum dollies.
Friday is my day and there's no way I'm gonna spend it by going back to get a horrible memory of the o'level days.
Heehee, actually I don't mind anything. Ny is so near there anyway.
My computer is so slow wow slow wow.
I'm so tired. I'm suffering from the withdrawal symptoms of not being able to use MSN for about 2 weeks.
Next Saturday can't make it, next sunday only late afternoon can. Do you guys have holiday remedials?
Lovelovelove, Emmalyn.
reading avrilly's blog inspired to continue my tribute to all! i stopped at choosie last time right? i shall continue!
weiqi: HAHAHAHAA. just seeing you makes me smile. your happiness and smiles makes me happy too. being in hwa chong makes me realise one more great thing about you, you never forget your friends. and despite the tight timetable we have, you always remember me and always make time for me. thanks a lot for everything you have done for me. i remember it was during sec3 mooncake festival and you went all out for me to search for my parents. when we found out that they came into the school themselves, you just "haiya" and never complained. you're just like that (: den when your grandfather passed away, i remember us sitting in the toilet and i felt very sad because i couldnt do anything. den i remember for some reason, looking at you, i smiled. because i thought you were a really brave girl and i admire you from within. thank you for being my friend, that one with the smile to lighten up my day, everytime, all the time.
yean yang: sitting next to you was probably one of my best memories of secondary three life. you were funny and nice and no matter how much i had bullied you, you never got angry. you're a nice guy. for some unknown reasons, you suddenly become my brother. hahaha. but i enjoy being your sis. hehee. i remember one incident most clearly. it was one afternoon. i was at the np area with shen and shufen and gang. and we started talking to you. we went to our sec3 classrooms. your brother was marching downstairs. and i was laughing non stop. for some reason, that scene neevr left my mind. i dunno why but it makes me feel warm just thinking about it. you're a special guy i wont ever forget. ahahahaa.
yihsuan: i remember the first time we talked, you told me i looked like a cousin of yours'. and you said whenever you look at me, you feel very happy cos you will get reminded of yuor cousin. you have no idea how much what you said affected me. it made me feel welcomed into this strange and new class. den the times we had bigorous discussion about jay chou and other idols. you're the one with the sweet smile, and that warm feeling whenever i remember what you first said to me. it made me feel special. and you're truly special in my eyes. remember after every debate, you would always come up to me and cheer me on. even before, you would tell me "jiayou" and encourage me. it's you guys that make me go on during debating times. hahaha. the times you cheered me on after debates make miracles for me. thank you, for being my strength during those times.
leslie: HAHAHA. the times you argued with min loong, the times you chatted with warren, that morning when you mocked at me wearing long black pants to play badminton and of course the great wonderful times of debate. really. those debating times had a lasting impression on me and for this, you and kosh will always have this special position in my heart. hoho. hahaha. i remember me putting my hand around your shoulder and said something about your favourite food which im not even sure if it's true. HAHAHA. but it was fun working with you. the thousand laughs we had. the times when we win, or lose it. hahaha. still remember we winning that one special debate and you stood up after we won. the smile on your face. oh, and you always blush at stella. hahahaha. thank you for being such a great debating mate.
i'm stopping here. shall continue next time again!
love shuli
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
i am cow!
wow, im really confused by the arrangement of things now...seems like its still really difficult to get all of us together...
well, i think that next monday(public holiday) is not a good date because we have school the next day. saturday or sunday would be good because we can probably stay out later...but in shuli's email they are out....
so, maybe we can have it next friday? its the last day of school...and i know aj people for sure end early. BUT, we may have class outings on that day so once again...ah crap lah.
my personal preference is that the gathering be held on sat or sun. but if those dates are really not good, i don't mind changing it to next sunday. the holidays would have started by then...should be ok right? right?
and another thing, about the O level cert collection. Can we go back this friday to collect the certs instead? i've already spread around aj people to go back together...most of us seem ok with it. the rest?
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
class outing 5
hey, it's me again
class outing cant be on monday cos avril has a first three month class outing. and other weekdays are not so ideal because the poly students are having orientation. even if they ended before 5.30, it would be VERY VERY cruel to get them to crawl into ponderosa. so any ideas?
dearest all,
hey guys, the class outing poll would end on this friday. so choose ur choices now. den i'll take the one with the highest vote and go ahead by planning what end-of-dinner activites there are!
once again to comfirm
date: 23.05.2005
time: 5.30pm
please dont be late!
Ponderosa is still leading with seven votes.
anyway, i'm thinking of another class outing and that is
people like me and weiqi and many more have not done so, so karin, me and weiqi were thinking if we all want to go down to zhonghua one day togther to meet the old friends, old teachers and get our new certs. so here's the proposed date, the tuesday after the gathering monday. we'll have each other two days for straight! ahhahaa. anyway, if you guys are interested please tag and i'll go ahead with the plans
love and all the best,
Monday, May 16, 2005
class outing 3!
once again, your beloved organiser has changes to make
gathering changed to monday. OK?
post ur objections if any and suggest a btter day!
ponderosa is currently leading with 10 votes!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
once again, your beloved organiser is here!
the date of gathering is changed to this coming saturday
fine with everyone?
the other details remain the same and please take part in the poll below to help choose the choice of eatery!
Ponderosa is currently leading with 3 votes.
Yay long time since I blogged here! Miss you guys loads! *beams
Supposed to write my GP essay which I have to hand in tomorrow but I have absolutely no idea how to write a shit argumentative essay I am so dead bah. So I've decided to blog here!!! :D
Darn happy that there's a class outing soon!!! Make my life happier!!! Anyway. Anywhere is fine as long as it's not too ex and the food is delicious :D
Which reminds me. I haven't gotten my O level cert yet!!!! Let's all go together one day to take them yah? Unless you all take already :(
Cya guys soon!!! The hols are nearing!!!
<3 weiqi
presenting to you, your class gathering organsier again!!
Anyway, if you havent read the previous previous entry, here's a quick summary of the class gathering!
time: 5.30pm
date: 28.05.2005
choice of eatery to choose from:
1. Kenny Rogers
2. Ponderosa
3. Sizzlers'
4. Swensens
5. Fish and co
if you scroll down to the previous 2 entry, there's a short introduction on these places by your beloved organsier. hahaha
anyway, warren has mentioned something abt going istana park and talk. well, istana park would be a good idea if we're heading for fish and co.
so think we better get set on the choice of eatery before considering what sources of entertainment are around the area.
i have no real preference abt the food...except that if we go to marina the entertainment is fairly limited...and we've been there not that long ago too, so...change of scenery bah.
hmm...entertainment. watching movies is actually abit hard to do because with a large crowd, its hard to get tickets early...and on saturday if you miss the 7+ shows you have to wait till abt 9 for the next we may end up like today, not watching any movie.
other entertainment options are...arcade? but besides bishi bashi, i think the girls won't be too interested. pool...its hard to find a place on saturday, unless you're all prepared to wait. kbox...may be ex, im not sure abt the prices...someone else better talk abt this.
my suggestion is actually to just go to somewhere to eat and talk. its hard to find something that a large group of people can do together...and since we're celebrating birthdays why not just go somewhere quiet after dinner, like the istana park or sth, the purpose of these gatherings is to catch up after why not we just talk.
just my opinion, give yours too.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
presenting to you....your organiser for the next major class gathering!
date : 28/05/2005
time : 5.30pm
venue: please take part in the poll below
aim : to celebrate these four incredible birthday boy and girls' special day! they are YEN MING, LEE TING, EMMALYN, and AMOS!
so anyway, the plans are as follows. we eat dinner (all must be punctual or shall be outcast. muahaha) and then we proceed to have some entertainment. the choices of eatery are as follow
1.Kenny Rogers (suntec etc)
it is around 15 to 20 bucks without GST and service charge. but the thing is they serve quite big (ok la) portions so you can share with a friend if you dont eat much. what's recommended (for one person) is 1/4 chicken and 2 side dishes. they cost less than 20 w/o GST.
2.Sizzler's (suntec)
below 22 bucks without GST (i tin). ok, what happens is you order the main dish and it includes the salad bar which you can eat all you want. but it's ok only. not as much variety as option below. salad bar includes pasta. and ice cream. everyone must order food. or waiter will stare at you. they got burger for cheaper options.
3.Ponderosa (cityhall. raffles city.)
they got more things for their salad bar. got potato and stuff. the salad bar is nice. it's better than sizzler's. they got blue cheese. but it's yucks. hahaha. they got muffin. nice. hehe. it has gigantic portions for main dish too. but everyone must order again. cannot someone dont eat.
4. Fish and co
aiya, you know la.
5. Swensens
hahahahahahahahahhaahhahaa :)
6. Steamboat
jumping prawns are scary. muahahaa.
ok everyone. take your pick and suggest a good entertainment after everything. start shopping for these four lucky stars (:
love, you organiser
Friday, May 13, 2005
hey, we havn't posted much recently here...everybody's busy i suppose. well, my messenger has screwed up, i can't sign in because my password is wrong or sth...and because i tried signing in so many times, access to my account has been blocked. great.
the shit has been piling up recently.
anyway, tml we're gonna watch a movie. apologies to those who don't know abt it...i didn't really spread the word for this because im tired and there are tests still going on...but apparently quite a few people who i didn't contact know abt it...which is good. so tml, meet at 5.30 pm at somerset mrt control station. not many people have replied my smses so i don't know the exact attendance.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
ssdd- same shit, different day
miss u alll soooo much!!
hello everyone!!
how r u guys! hope u guys are doing great now.
i'm like having lousy days everyday. ssdd.
wanna thanks warren for cheering me up just now. with Amos blaine's picture too.
hahaha, thanks loads, i'm feeling much better.
council, hmmm, not very fun. to penuel, u better take care, hope ur council term would be fine.
to rachel, ur council looks fun. haha jiayou!!
to everyone, hope to see u all again! so long never see, hope the holidays come faster.(although i dunno if the holidays would be a good would probably take away our leisure time :(
till then, take care!
Monday, May 02, 2005
thp sucks!
hey guys...its test time for most of use i unless anybody has a craving for the outside world like me (contact me! contact me! go out!), maybe there won't be any outings till the hols...and hols mean chalet! denise only wants the money after everybody has paid..but that's pretty difficult since we're all in different schools and its abit hard to meet i guess we'll hav eto see how..but i hope the chalet will be a success! oh, leslie won't be joining us because he's going to beijing for an educational trip. we'll all miss the only guy who hets sufficient sleep during chalets! the rest of us, ai pia jia eh yia!