Friday, April 29, 2005
hello there!!
i'm sitting in my jingxian library, trying hard to look like i am doing my bio research on gene mutation, but oh well, i thought it would be nice if i come down and
anyway, i miss u guys loads!!hope to see u u :D
peace, karin
4E7 posted on 9:44 AM
Monday, April 25, 2005
HELLO!!! big hugs
hello my super duper friends!!
haha i'm currently very wrong somewhere in the head. probably overheated my brain in tt small welfare room in hc. served my first welfare duty as a councillor. man, i feel caged. the seniors said i cant leave the room for too long. i merely went away for 5 mins. anyway, welfare duty is boring. deprived me of studying hours. " i am a big mugger!"
i am already thinking abt this coming weekend!the super long and exciting weekend of may day!
the prospect of a long weekend and short weekdays kept me going. thanks to avril who fueled my passion to live on this week enthusiatically. what do you guys think we shld do this weekend. aiyo, i think i'm playing too much. my mind is full of play and no work. but i think i have a super active social life because of you guys..thanks! " i am not a big mugger!"
let's have a mass convo this coming friday. maybe we can decide what to do about the weekend, what do you guys think? spending a cool monday together with you guys sounds great :)) so all of u must be online this friday see no go (bu jian bu san)
ahh...9.30 pm already! better get started on my math tutorial..."i am a big mugger!"
see you guys soon! cheers!
love, karin
4E7 posted on 9:22 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
a plea
hey guys! denise is organising a chalet during the june holidays but she needs us to pay $10 each before she can go book it. she will be booking it on a weekend so those poly people like ks and eric, don't worry. i was actually supposed to collect from you guys yesterday...but after marche, my wallet was kind of light and i thought it would be the same for the rest of you all. so, i hope that at least one of you from each jc will take the initiative to collect the $10 from those who want to go for the chalet. i, of course, will be taking charge of aj...hopefully we can collect it soon so denise can book it. the date for the chalet is tentatively on the 2nd week of the holidays...but availability will depend on whether we can book it please guys, collect it?
4E7 posted on 8:19 PM
Thanks to everyone for turning up! I'm gonna scan the class list and let you all keep copies for remembrance k? For now I'll just type everyone's name out and the attendance...=)=P abit boliao.
Bold means present.
1. Amos (can be counted as present lar, saw him =))
2. Kaisiang (duh)
3. Min loong
4. Peksia
5. Eric
6. Karin
7. Debbie
8. James
9. Lee ting
10. Yaoyu
11. Joycey
12. Avril
13. Alesia
14. Emmy
15. Mosey
16. Penuel (penny)
17. Nianny
18. Christine
19. Qinsi
20. Rachel
21. Weiqi
22. YeanYang
23. Yi Hsuan
24. Leslie
25. Cheryl
26. Alven
27. Xuemin
28. Roxanne
29. Matthew
30. Ruqing
31. Shihao
32. Sooky
33. Zhanny
34. Shiyun
35. Alyssa
36. Yenney
37. Eileen
38. Yitling
39. Weiling
40. Nisey
41. Warry
42. Celeste
26 people is still very good. Excellent! =)
Hope everyone had a lovely time. Hope to see you guys soon.
4E7 posted on 12:58 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
Photos for the blog!!
Hey...I registered an account for the service Hello...If u all wanna post a pic in the blog can use the Hello servie...username and pass ish the same for our lass blog...sho long!!
4E7 posted on 12:48 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Avril here!
About saturday.23rd aPril
6pm at Plaza Singapura SwEnSens!
So yeah. I think I'm gonna book.

4E7 posted on 11:23 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
From Avril
I'm so sorry I haven't planned the Saturday thing properly yet..But anyway, thought I'd better say it here too.
SATURDAY the 23rd of April, Avril (2104), nianny(2404), zhanny(0105) are having a joint birthday celebration.
It will probably start from dinner(maybe at some more fanciful place than fastfoodrestaurant or foodcourt, any ideas?)
and then movie/pool/etc? Nianny wants to hang out doing these till morning, but Avril won't be allowed to. So I'm still cracking my brain.
4E7 posted on 1:11 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Just added a pic in our profile...Someone please comment?Thanks!!
4E7 posted on 3:39 PM
hey...since i havn't posted in a while...might as well do one before i go to sleep.
life's gotten pretty hectic...i can't seem to do tutorials without help from teachers now. stumbling through life an hour at a time, longing for the sch day to end so the shittiness of studying can stop, albeit for a short while only.
so, anyway next sat we're gonna stay out late? are we going to matt's place again? or just go to a shopping centre that closes late? cine?
4E7 posted on 12:31 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Can someone pls continue with the class day festivities day 2? it seems a bit weird to leave DAY 1 hanging just like that. thanx
School has been so far alright. I haven't got tons of tutorials yet but I am sure that will happen in time to come. heyyy, actually, I do have quite a lot of maths and econs to do.*shhEESh* ESp maths! and I am sure u guys noe that I do detest maths, I do loathe maths! and I do hate the complexity of it ALL! However, I can't say the same for econs! I do like(not love yet) ECONS! and of course hist(that's needless to say) I do like the new lecturer, though i think she'll only be teaching for this particular topic. oh ya, and she's the HOD of ARTS!! how cool! My econs tutor is not bad too. She's very approachable and I think that's like the most impt of it all. At least i dun feel pressurized during her lessons and I don't have to be so uptight all the time(unlike the 1st 3 mths) So now, i do LOOk forward to ECONS! U noe, like looking at the timetable and GRUMBLING if there's NO ECONS!
I guess everyone is grumbling abt PW. PW is sucha headache!! Just the mention of it is sucha pain. Really, no kidding
This week is COUNCIL CAMPAIGNING WEEK. ONLY 1 zhssrian is joining. ermx. i am not sure of his name. But he's from 4E2. It's kinda pathetic isn't it. Michelle, shaun they all are not joining, not giving it a shot although i'm sure they'll make better councillors than some. of course ma!!they are our own pple!
That basically sums up to what's going to happen this week at AJ. oh ya, and the AJ IDOL. think the standard is very high. They have started giving up tix, (FOC) but i didn't go collect. I think I shall wait until the finals. I do hope it'll be a grand affair, but so far, i can't feel the excitement of it all. So...
I shall end it off here! hope u guys DO ENJOY school. LOVE LIFE okay!
oh and how can i forget!! STUDY!!
4E7 posted on 5:01 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Class Day Festivities - Day One
i thought the title was quite funny. sounds formal. yes today is the commencement of our 3-day long festivities! decided to blog something before my hair dry up and my mom is starting to nag.
so we actually PLANNED to meet at 5 pm today, and we will proceed to matt's place to have a pizza dinner! then, things turned out somewhat different! 30 ppl turned up today!!yay! our highest number of turn ups for these 2 years and 4 mths..great!! then we went over to matt's place, and we had take aways instead. thank u guys for taking the effort to go down to the coffee shop and get our dinner! we were famished and the food came at the right time! =))
then we hung out in matt's room and the living room, and tell u, we rocked matt's place upside down. poor grace(matt's sister), she gotta put up with the noise. we merely "talked" but it sounded as if we were shouting. lol but we had a great time, enjoying one another's company...can still rmb yenny shiyun and yy telling some of us abt QUEENIE WONG.LOL poor david. " did u all bring your chem notes?" can never forget yenny's laughter.
so tomorrow will be the 2nd day of our festivities! we shall have a lovely reunion dinner down at marina bay, and try walking back to the mrt station again(LOL) i shall pon little yc. me and sook can no longer tahan. yc may be over, but it never fails to haunt us!ahhhhh!
so we shall have another whooping day tmr, and hope more ppl turn up..and most importantly, everyone must enjoy! pour out all the frustrations and throw the books(or notes) away for one whooping night!
cant wait, like totally!!
details for the next two days:
- saturday:
- meeting time: 5.30 pm(allowance time: till 6 pm, definitely got ppl late one. hahaha i'm one)
- meeting venue: marina bay mrt station
2. sunday:
- movie? tentatively at plaza?quite a gd place, convienient tt is..the cinema is not tt bad too lah..
- movie we watching? this one we better discuss first...we shall talk abt it on saturday over the dinner! hair dried up. so it's bedtime! take care ppl..and those ppl over at matt's place, try to sleep!! take care and see u all in another 14 hours? yay..good nite!!
lots of love, karin
4E7 posted on 12:55 AM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
joycey's dismissal time
hahahx.. moi latest days end at 3.35pm.. i.e mon and thur.. hahahx.. moi earliest day ends at 12.55pm.. which is fri..
4E7 posted on 8:52 PM
i think purple is a NIICCEE colour
i am at home now!!! because i pon school
i am quite bored!
i decided to blog because warren says blog!!!!
we are all cool people!
okie this is a lame entry!
but seriously, i m missing lotsa peeps!
peeps who filled my last 2 yrs in zhss with fun and laughter!
peeps who forced me to study! and not play all the time!
peeps who go for lunches with me~
peeps who wore green skirts/white pants and white tops!
peeps who bore tt begonia leaf symbol tog with me!
i ll be missing you!
yours truly- celestine
4E7 posted on 11:46 AM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Aj people's dismissal time
Ok, on behalf of warren, xm, rox and matt, they all end at 3.35 the latest. Rox may end at 2.55, but that isn't much of a difference.
Step right up now, don't be shy. 2 more days to list your dismissal times!
4E7 posted on 4:04 PM
Monday, April 04, 2005
*[[ 4e7'04 rocks and rulex~ ]]*
*[[ 4e7'04 rocks and rulex~ ]]*
yo peeps!!!
i'm released quite early on fri, at 12.45 or 1.30, depending on whether there is any make-up chi lessons :(
anyway, i'll probably reach bishan at 2 or 3pm.
like wat emmalyn had said, i'm prefer not to watch a movie during weekends. there are not many good movies recently. miss congeniality 2 is nice, but not worth yr $8.50.
so i think we can chill out at some place first before dinner. any recommendations on where to eat or chill out? i'm ok with anything.
hehehe, looking forward to see u guys in the jc uniforms. (honestly, i look quite bad in green)
oh...i don't think i can make it for the overnight stay cus i have to sao3 mu4 on sat morning.
anyway, juz wanna say the 4e7 rocks and rulez! i miss ya all (L)~
With lots of hugs and kisses,
Pekkie :)
4E7 posted on 4:09 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Warren loves this site. I love this site too. Thanks for reccomending it to me. :)
Go now.
4E7 posted on 10:17 PM
Ok, there are some changes to our carnival. :)
We'll still have the friday and sunday programme. I really wanna dance. DISCO NIGHT DISCO NIGHT *chants*
But on saturday, 9/4, we'll have a marina steamboat dinner at the very famous zhen fa huo hai xian. Warren says we'll find our way there somehow, but i'll prefer if there are some people who know the way.
So voice your objections, if any, and state your dismissal time by thursday!
Save up for the class outings.
4E7 posted on 10:17 PM
Ok, our fun-filled programme for class week will be as follows:
Friday, 8/4: Meet at Bishan. We haven't decided on a place yet, but looking at things, it'll probably be that rotten place of a J8.
When the gathering will be held will depend largely on our timetables. Please post the time that you'll be dismissed on the class blog by latest, thursday. If not, it is not our responsibility to suit your dismissal time.
If we all end early, we just might have a glimmer of hope of chilling out at ECP.
Either that, or just plain old Bishan.
Then we'll head down to Matt's house for a stayover/disco night/gossiping session.
Now does that sound like truckloads of fun or lorryloads of fun. :))))
Sun, 10/4: Meet at Somerset MRT at 2 p.m. , then we'll probably watch a movie and then dinner.
Any objections, please raise before it's too late.
I do think that a movie on sunday isn't practical. Plus what movie is worth watching at this point in time? They're all 2/3 star quality.
Any better suggestions? Shoot it all out baby.
4E7 posted on 10:17 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
denise blogs for the first time
hi guys
im so sorry for not turning up at any class gatherings, i was really busy. today's a saturday, i turned down 3 diff ppl to stay at home to study, IM HAVING A HARD TIME COPING.
anyway, life is jc is so much more liberating, esp when we came from ZHONGHUA, where the rules are so strict.
as everyone know, out dear celestine will be travelling all the way to melbourne to trinity college for her foundation studies then medicine. despite being so BUSY(celest, u better be grateful), i'll be organising another class gathering in june. it'll most probably be another class chalet unless you want something else, but the collection of money will pose a huge problem i might think of something else. But whatever it is, it'll be another class outing you'll never forget, like reunion dinner. give me suggestions if you have, if not, i'll plan myself.
love you guys.
4E7 posted on 7:46 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
I personally can't make it on saturday afternoon. Late afternoon till night, I'm free for a party! :D Saturday afternoons are not good days for fun, because MANY people will be missing the fun, bonding and warmth. I don't mind a Sunday?
Actually I dunno the timetable for next week yet, so I can't say anything about weekdays. Though I wouldn't mind hanging out till late on friday! Yaeeey.
Let's think of stuff to do. I just wanna sit and talk and eat and watch tv. I probably won't touch mahjong, because I'd get addicted to it, and then it'll really become a vice.
I'VE GOT THE URGE. I'VE GOT THE play volleyball at the beach. Maybe a trip round sentosa? It'll cost three bucks for entry, and that's about it, since we probably won't want to relive our childhood disappointments of stupid Volcano Land and the like. I think I've got the map at my fingertips already. Maybe we can just chill at Siloso or Palawan or ECP, if you guys want. I feel like cycling to Bedok jetty. Like now. Like right now.
BBQ at someone's house? Disco night at someone's house? I think we can forget about mine; it's still like a potential rape scene. No change, no change.
We should plan the chalet/BBQ for the june hols soon. :)
Until the cookie crumbles,
4E7 posted on 1:08 AM